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Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Applications of knowledge and technologies in.

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Presentation on theme: "Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Applications of knowledge and technologies in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Alfredo Aguilar Head of Unit Biotechnology and Applied Genomics Directorate Life Sciences E Directorate General Research European Commission NCPs FP6, Theme 1 Brussels, 23 October 2002

2 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Strategic objective: To foster the competitiveness of Europe’s biotechnology industry by exploiting the wealth of biological data produced by genomics and advances in biotechnology. Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health

3 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Rational and accelerated development of new, safer and more effective drugs including pharmacogenomics approaches Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Technology Platforms will focus their research activities on: Development of new diagnostics Development of new in vitro tests to replace animal experimentation Testing of new preventive and therapeutic tools such as somatic gene and cell tehrapies (in particular stem cell therapies) and immunotherapies Innovative research in post-genomics (novel products from genomics and biotechnology) Technology platforms are particularly suited for SME.

4 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH How the objective is to be achieved ? Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health “TRANSLATIONAL APPROACH” Application stage to enable real, consistent and coordinated progress at European level in medicine, competitiveness and in the quality of life Bringing basic knowledge

5 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Is basic research ? Applied research ? Successful projects must develop an Integrated Multidisciplinary Research Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Integration Biology and Technology Technology producers and Technology users Stakeholders (Extended Audiences) SME in the projects (15% of budget for SME!) Innovation and exploitation

6 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Is basic research ? Applied research ? Successful projects must develop an Integrated Multidisciplinary Research Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Multidisciplinary Cutting across S&T disciplines Approaching lateral issues Interphase between disciplines

7 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Is basic research ? Applied research ? Successful projects must develop an Integrated Multidisciplinary Research Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Research Projects may include basic, applied research, demonstration activities provided that... is transnational research (clear deliverables; basic knowledge to application stage) address major societal needs increases EU competitiveness

8 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH How to combine improvement of Europe’s biotechnology industry and precompetitive projects ? Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORMS Integrated Multidisciplinary Research EU project - Health care progress - Increased quality of life - Cost reduction - Precise diagnostics - Individualised treatments - New drugs and therapies - Novel products from genomics and biotechnology Socio-economic deliverables, competitive projects Industry SME Academics Stakeholders Civil society Through the development of technological platforms

9 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH TOTALNoEIP Fundamental Genomics523301020 Applied Genomics and Biotechnology 40140*1120 Medical Application Oriented Genomics Approaches 70233*1318 Combating Cancer3021459 Poverty related Diseases691028 TOTAL1997127*4175 Total EoI Received Selected Topics Priority 1 Research topics of European strategic importance for possible implementation via a new instrument * some of which addressed by NoE and/or IP

10 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH From EoI analysis to the work probramme for the first FP6 call Preparation of the work programme for the first call of FP6 is based on EoI analysis but will require further focusing due to budgetary limitations and… Strategic input from inter-service consultations, Expert Advisory Groups and the Programme Committee A conference marking the launch of the FP6 will take place in Brussels on November 11-13/2002 Publication first calls for proposals in the Official Journal expected on 17 December 2002 (deadline 17 March 2003)

11 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH From the Expressions of Interest to the Draft Workprogramme : Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Relevant topics stemming from the EoI - Blood substitutes - Antiviral therapeutics - New drugs from novel sources - Genome based individualised medicines - Novel therapies for neurodegenerative disorders in CNS and PNS - Genome-based anti-psychotic therapies - Signal transduction pathways as targets for disease detection and treatment - Development of medicines in pediatrics - Computer assisted modeling for drug discovery and clinical trials Rational and accelerated development of new, safer and more effective drugs including pharmacogenomics approaches

12 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH From the Expressions of Interest to the Draft Workprogramme : Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Relevant topics stemming from the EoI - In vivo molecular imaging - Reference systems for genetic testing - Non-invasive (including prenatal) diagnostics; development of markers for ante- and neo-natal screening Development of new diagnostics

13 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH From the Expressions of Interest to the Draft Workprogramme : Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Relevant topics stemming from the EoI In vitro alternatives to animal and human toxicology testing: - Development of innovative methods, technology, strategies - Application of in vitro methods Development of new in vitro tests to replace animal experimentation

14 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH From the Expressions of Interest to the Draft Workprogramme : Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Relevant topics stemming from the EoI - Connective tissue disorders: bone diseases, osteoarthritis - Organ repair: hepatic, hemopoietic, neural tissue - Biobanks - Translation of stem cell biology into new cell-based therapies and novel targets for drug development and other therapeutic products - Stem cell development for the regeneration of hemopoietic, hepatic, cardiac, neural, mesenchymal and connective tissues - Sem cell development, technical standardisation, benchmarking, development of reference materials - Stem cell therapies: standardisation, characterisation and protocol validation Development and testing of new preventive and therapeutic tools such as somatic, gene and cell therapies (in particular stem cell therapies) and immunotherapies (i)

15 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH From the Expressions of Interest to the Draft Workprogramme : Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Relevant topics stemming from the EoI - New improved vaccine technologies - Immunotherapy for auto-immune diseases - Plant based vaccines - plant biotechnology for global health - Viral and non-viral delivery systems - Cell targeting - Standardisation and characterisation in gene therapy - Gene therapy for genetic diseases - Dendritic cells, chemokines, cytokines - Allergy, autoimmunity, inflammatory disease - Prevention and treatment of disease through modulation of the immune system Development and testing of new preventive and therapeutic tools such as somatic, gene and cell therapies (in particular stem cell therapies) and immunotherapies (ii)

16 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH From the Expressions of Interest to the Draft Workprogramme : Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Relevant topics stemming from the EoI - Functional analysis of human genome and its application to diagnosis and therapy of diseases, including mitochondrial disorders - Adverse reactions to drugs, in particular those of immunological origin - Quality and safety control of new tools (gene vectors, stem cells) for clinical use - Optimisation, standardisation and quality assessment and assurance of post- genomic technology - Post-genomic approaches for allergy and autoimmune diseases: * for complex multifactorial diseases * for the development of new tools for the rapid diagnosis of pathogenic infection and new targets for anti-microbial agents - New strategies for large scale analysis and high throughput screening in the postgenomic - RNA tools for gene function analysis Innovative research in post-genomics

17 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Networks of Excellence: Objectives Joint research activities Integrating activities Spreading of excellence (training) Common management  To structure the EU research potential by integrating existing research capacities Governing Council Funding Bodies Representatives Partner Organisation Representative Scientific Council

18 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Integrated projects: Objectives Training Ethical aspects, science-society dialogue Technology transfer, exploitation strong management structure Implementation Plan RTD 4 RTD 1 RTD 2 RTD 3 RTD 5 Demonstration Management  addressing major societal needs  increasing EU competitiveness predefined S/T results and clear deliverables To integrate the critical mass of activities/resources needed for :

19 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Main challenges: To guarantee a higher success rate than in FP5 To attract SME (4% industries in the EoI for TP1, 10% for this area) To attract oustanding IP and NoE (FP6 projects are not “big” FP5 projects) Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health

20 Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission LIFE SCIENCES, GENOMICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR HEALTH Ongoing and coming trends... 17 December 2002, First Call for Proposals, Framework Programme 6 To keep you informed with the latest news… … and with the new instruments, rules for participation,… Help and information : for Priority “Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health”: Opportunities for Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health in Framework Programme 6 (2002-2006)

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