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Programming Concepts What we are going to learn in this subject? The basic concepts of writing computer programs commonly known as software.

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2 Programming Concepts What we are going to learn in this subject? The basic concepts of writing computer programs commonly known as software

3 Text Book Title: C++ How to Program, Second Edition Author: H.M. Deital and P.j. Deital Publisher: Prentice Hall

4 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE The modern day computer has two major classifications: Hardware Software

5 HARDWARE H.w is Physical entities of computer: Computer has two types of h.w: Input Devices We give instruction to computer using these devices Keyboard,Mouse,scanners,Mikes,Cameras,sensors etc. Output Devices Monitors,Printers,Speakers etc.

6 SOFTWARE A sequence of instructions is called a computer program or software Operating systems, games etc These instructions are written in a programming language

7 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE IOP CPU INPUTOUTPUT Memory All information and communication is performed inside the computer in the form of 0 and 1(Binary,Digital)

8 Computer Programming Software development All development is done in some programming language Problem is that computer only understand 0 & 1

9 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES The programming languages evolved in following: I. Machine Language II. Assembly Language III. High level languages Procedural Languages Object Oriented Languages

10 MACHINE LANGUAGE Written in the form of 0 & 1 Computer directly understands 1011000000000101 1011000000000001 1101110000000111 Machine Dependent

11 Assembly Languages Use Naturally understandable symbols called Mnemonics One to one correspondence with machine language Load 5, Load 1, Add Assemblers are used as interpreter

12 High Level Languages Use naturally understandable language Compilers are used as interpreter IDEs are use for rapid development like.Net environment, Visual Basic and Visual C++

13 C++ as a Programming Language Extended version of c language C is evolved by Dennis Ritchie C++ is developed by Bjarne Stroustrup

14 Programming in C++ C++ Code Compiler

15 Simple Program #include int main() { cout<< Welcome to C++! ; return 0; }

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