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Classroom Rules and Guidelines

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1 Classroom Rules and Guidelines
7th Grade Mathematics 2019 – 2020 Mr. Warner’s Class

2 Materials: Agenda Pencils. Sharpened! Paper. Notebook and graph.
Colored pencils Pencil sharpener Dry erase marker

3 Expectations…. Just to Name a Few
We are Family Respect. Respect. Respect Eyes on Me All materials will be brought to class daily Follow directions the first time. Words: Polite Kind Constructive Listen before doing anything first Remain seated unless given permission by the teacher

4 Entering the Classroom
Students will line up and enter class once given permission Students will come in: Quietly Utilize quickest route possible Have any assignments due out on desk Students will copy homework, complete bell ringer and silently wait for further instruction Entering as the bell rings or after?.... Tardy!

5 Dress Code Full dress code required to enter classroom Leadership Days
Lanyard worn properly everyday Shirt entirely tucked in Belt worn Leadership Days Vest worn properly Tie tied and worn properly

6 Tardy to Class? If tardy, a pass is required from previous teacher or front office No pass = no entry to class If tardy, student will enter Silently Place pass on teacher desk Sit in assigned seat and join in on activity If unsure, raise hand and teacher will help at appropriate time

7 Absent? Responsibility of STUDENT to check for missed assignments or handouts when missing a day of school A student can: Ask a classmate Check website Check Class Dojo Check Absence Crate Highly recommended a student ask for an assignment beforehand is absent Please try to submit before absence

8 Moving Around the Classroom
Ask for permission before leaving seat Raise your hand! Students may be allowed out of their seat if required for class activity If it is an emergency, please raise your hand and get up quietly without disrupting the class Do not throw anything to another student, across the classroom or in to trashcan. Place it or drop it in.

9 Exiting the Classroom Class is dismissed by teacher, not the bell
If one student tries to leave before dismissed by teacher, it will delay the entire class To be dismissed, class must: Have desks in order Floor clean Students seated silently Lunch Period: To be dismissed to lunch, students must be silent and lined up straight

10 Electronics and Technology
Electronics are to be turned OFF and away in the student’ backpack It is HIGHLY recommended electronics remain at home to reduce the risk of being lost, stolen or confiscated If an electronic is confiscated, it will be turned in to the front office where it will be picked up by a parent. Only permitted technology use allowed in the classroom

11 Using the Hall Pass Only ONE student permitted to use the restroom at a time It is recommended that bathroom is used for emergencies only Missed class time = missed golden material A student may only use the bathroom when the teacher has: Finished the lesson Class working in pairs, groups or independently Has NOT abused privilege of leaving class

12 Food and Drink Absolutely no food or drink permitted in class
Food is to be eaten only in the cafeteria If a student would like to drink water, it needs to be in a bottle that can seal No gum at any times.

13 Interactive Notebooks (Binder)
Interactive notebooks need to be brought to class every day to organize notes and handouts Table of Contents and notes must be kept current, in order and ORGANIZED HIGHLY recommended that students keep their binders organized and completed as they will be quizzed on it once per quarter

14 Cheating NO TOLERANCE policy when it comes to cheating
If student is found copying answers or work for independent practice, it will automatically be marked as a zero Students eyes on THEIR OWN paper during assessments During assessments: Clear Desk No Talking No looking through backpack If student is found cheating during an assessment, it will be marked as a zero and proper disciplinary action will take place

15 Grades Assessments: All material from series of chapters and lessons
Quizzes: Shorter in length from 5 – 6 questions Exit Slips: 2 to 3 questions Can be combined by teacher to create exit slip quiz totaling 5 questions Focuses on lesson taught that day Notes are NOT PERMITTED on any of the above

16 Test Retake Students who earn a 59% or lower will be given the opportunity to retake the test Student must make the effort of setting up a time to retake A review packet must be completed in order to retake the test All problems must be completed with work shown If retake packet is not complete and work is not shown, retest will not be allowed

17 Independent Practice Assignments checked and graded on accuracy
Problems and number of problems checked decided by teacher Answer and work shown must be clearly marked on each problem To receive FULL CREDIT, assignments must be turned in on time

18 Late Independent Practice
All assignments given before progress reports are due beforehand All assignments given before report cards due beforehand If assigned the week of progress reports, student has until report cards to turn in If turned in late, student can turn in assignment for a 75% All work must be shown Graded on accuracy Students have one school day for each day they are absent to complete missed assignment

19 Late Assessments Assessments are not allowed to be completed during indoor or outdoor suspensions Responsibility of STUDENT to speak with teacher in order to make up any missed assessments Students who miss class for any school business must still complete any missed assignments HIGHLY RECOMMENDED students turn in assignment prior to an event Assessments due 48 hours prior to grades closing

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