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Black Power A different approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Black Power A different approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Black Power A different approach

2 Legislation Civil Rights Act of 1964 – Prohibited segregation or discrimination in race, sex, religion, etc. Voting Rights Act of 1965: Protect voting rights of blacks

3 King Nobel Peace Prize Too slow for many Immediate results were wanted
Assassinated by James Earl Ray 1968

4 Malcolm X Grew up in ghetto Jail for 7 years Nation of Islam
Black Nationalism: separation and racial unity – more aggressive Pilgrimage to Mecca changed feelings Shot to death by members of N. of I.

5 Black Power Stokely Carmichael
Militant: carry guns, fight back, wore black, symbol of the fist Encouraged blacks to take care of selves Black is Beautiful Black and Proud

6 1968 Olympics Mexico City Carlos and Smith protest during medal ceremony Medals taken away Were they justified?

7 Black Panthers Bobby Seale and Huey Newton Militant political party
Demand money to rebuild nation’s ghetto Violent encounters with police

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