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Fort Sumter-Bull Run (April-July 21, 1861)

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1 Fort Sumter-Bull Run (April-July 21, 1861)

2 Civil War Matching Who is Who?
Yanks Federal South Johnny Rebel North Confederate C.S.A Billy Gray Blue U.S.A

Lincoln calls up 75,000 volunteers for 90 days After Sumter, Upper South secedes. VA, AK, NC, TE. Border states of MD, DE, KY, and MO have not yet seceded. Robert E. Lee offered command of all Union forces-DECLINES! Capital of the Confederacy is moved from Montgomery, AL to Richmond, VA. SIGNIFICANCE OF THESE EVENTS?

4 Border States- Delaware and Maryland
Delaware- seemed safe. Even though had slavery acted more as a Northern state. Maryland- Why was it important to keep Maryland from seceding? When pro-Confederate mobs attack advancing federal troops, Lincoln put MD under martial law.

5 Border States-Kentucky/Missouri
Why was it important to keep both Missouri and Kentucky in the Union? Lincoln- “I hope to have God on my side, but I must have Kentucky.” Try this Civil War fans- Why are there thirteen stars on the Confederate flag?

6 The Union & Confederacy in 1861

7 North vs. South in 1861 Balance Sheet of War North South Advantages ?

8 Rating the North & the South

9 Slave/Free States Population, 1861
North million. South- 9 million total/3.7 million slaves.

10 Railroad Lines, 1860

11 Resources: North & the South

12 The Battle of First Bull Run (July 21, 1861)
Why were these advantages not that important at the start of the war? Lincoln orders Gen. Irwin McDowell and 35,000 men into Virginia to take Manassas Junction which was 29 miles SW of Washington. Objective is to take the Manassas Gap and the Orange/Alexandria RR’s and destroy the Confederate Army. McDowell feels the Union is not ready, men poorly trained. Lincoln’s reply- “You are green it is true, but they are green also”

13 The Battle of First Bull Run (July 21, 1861)
“There stands Jackson like a “stonewall”, rally around the Virginians”- Gen. Bernard Bee

14 Results of First Bull Run
Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard (CSA) Gen. Irwin McDowell (USA) Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson (CSA)

15 The Anaconda Plan

16 The Anaconda Plan Problems?
Army of the Potomac created to protect Wash. D.C. and destroy the Southern army. Gen. George B. McClellan to train the new army. Blockade the South. Army/Navy to take control of Mississippi R. to split the South in half. Create another army (Army of the Tennessee) to keep pressure in East Tennessee. Problems?

17 Southern Strategy to Win?
President Jefferson Davis V-P Alexander Stevens

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