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Presentation on theme: "ALCOHOL REVIEW."— Presentation transcript:


2 How fast alcohol enters a person bloodstream from the time they consume it until it begins to affect them? Absorption

3 A person can be charged with DUI of alcohol or other drugs if they have the ability to move their vehicle. Actual physical control

4 Drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time.
Binge Drinking

5 Any mind altering substance that puts the brain to sleep.

6 Although not legally drunk, a person’s abilities are affected enough to make them an unsafe driver

7 Percentage of alcohol found in the bloodstream
BAC-Blood Alcohol Content

8 The chemical process in the liver that removes alcohol from the body

9 The law stating that any licensed driver cannot legally refuse to be tested for alcohol or drug use behind the wheel because of the signature on the driver license. Implied Consent

10 A depressant drug that reverses the sequence of mental growth

11 The measure of alcohol content

12 If you drink alcohol on a full stomach, it will take that alcohol:
Longer to get into your system

13 What does alcohol do to the sequence of mental growth
Reverses it

14 Drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time:
Binge Drinking

15 What is the most common reason teenagers begin to drink
Peer influence

16 The only way for an intoxicated person to sober up is:

17 What effect does alcohol have on your brain
Puts the brain to sleep

18 The legal limit of intoxication in Alabama for a minor is:

19 The legal limit of intoxication in Alabama for an adult is:

20 What percent of alcohol leaves the body by oxidation
Over 90 %

21 Implied consent means You give the state the right to test you for alcohol

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