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Handling Social Pressures

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1 Handling Social Pressures
Chapter 4 Handling Social Pressures

2 What are the Effects of Alcohol?
Alcohol is a powerful and dangerous drug- it can change the way people act, think, and feel. Annually, fatalities associated with alcohol use claim FIVE times more people than heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and other illegal drugs combined. The high number of traffic fatalities involving young people is the reason why every state in the US has passes laws to make it illegal for people under the age of 21 to buy, possess, or consume alcohol.

3 What are your responsibilities regarding drinking?
There is NO such thing as responsible drinking for an underage person. This means YOU! Everyone has responsibilities regarding alcohol drinking and drinkers If you have been drinking, DON’T drive! Call a taxi, your parents or friends, or make other arrangements. Never get in a car with a person that has been drinking. Support groups- Alcoholics Anonymous, AA, or Alateen.

4 Symptoms of a Problem Drinker
How would you recognize the signs of a problem drinker? What would you do to help that person?

5 Alcohol and Its Effects on Driving Ability
No matter how good a driver you are, or think you might be, alcohol will decrease your skill and will damage your judgment. One drink might be enough to impair your ability to drive safely. You lose your ability to think clearly. Alcohol causes change in your coordination. 40% of all highway deaths are alcohol related.

6 Alcohol in the body. Alcohol is not digested, as food is. Rather, it is absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach and small intestine. One in the bloodstream, alcohol is quickly carried to all parts of the body. Alcohol has the greatest effects on the brain because that is the organ that controls all body functions. A drinkers mental and physical abilities become diminished. One 12 oz Beer, One 1 oz of hard liquor, One 5 oz glass of wine contains the same amount of alcohol.

7 Physical Effects of Alcohol
Reaction time Coordination Distance (depth) perception Speed perception Vision

8 Mental Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol affects the part of your brain that controls your physical reactions and ability to reason. Alcohol affects your judgment. It can make you feel as if you are thinking more clearly than usual. Alcohol also affects your inhibitions. The loss of inhibition can be very dangerous and can cause them to take chances they would normally avoid.

9 Laws, Tests, and Penalties for Drinking and Driving
Implied Consent Laws- When you use public roads, you agree to give law enforcement officers permission to test you for alcohol use if you are arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving. This test will determine your blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) In the state of Illinois adult drivers with a BAC level of or higher will be charged with a DWI or DUI. Drivers under the age of 21 have Zero Tolerance laws, meaning they cannot have any alcohol in their system.

10 Tests for Intoxication
Chemical analysis of blood or urine can measure a person’s BAC levels Breath-testing device can measure the percentage of alcohol in the breath. Even if a driver’s BAC is lower than the legal limit, he or she can still be charged with a DUI or DWI. The police can stop anyone whose driving appears to be impaired. The can give field sobriety test by asking the driver to perform simple tasks, such as standing on one leg, walking a line, or following a pen with their eyes. If you are ever stopped for suspicion of a DUI or DWI, be courteous and cooperate with the police officer. Drivers who refuse to submit to a chemical test for BAC can have their licenses suspended whether they are convicted or not.

11 Penalties and Consequences
Higher insurance premiums Suspended License Loss of license Fines/Civil suits Jail term

12 Drugs Affect Driving Ability
Some drugs can decrease you ability to make sound decisions and respond well to situations. Others can change the way you think. Synergism Over-the-Counter Drugs Prescription Drugs Depressants Stimulants Hallucinogens: Marijuana, LSD, PCP Narcotics

13 Distractions Stereo Headphones Cell Phones Passengers
Other distractions…..


15 WARNING! The next photos you are about to view are graphic and a result from drinking and driving. If you have a weak stomach turn away now.





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