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English Our first key text is The Arrival by Shaun Tan. During this unit the children will writing journey stories focusing on building atmosphere through.

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Presentation on theme: "English Our first key text is The Arrival by Shaun Tan. During this unit the children will writing journey stories focusing on building atmosphere through."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Our first key text is The Arrival by Shaun Tan. During this unit the children will writing journey stories focusing on building atmosphere through setting. Our second unit will be focused on the text Eat, Shoots and Leaves.  The unit will be looking at the use of commas to avoid ambiguity. In addition, the children will also write a Non chronological report following the trip to Pensarn. Religious Education Through our RE lessons we will be answering; What is the Buddhist way of life? Maths This half term the children will develop skills in; number and place value, formal methods for all operations and using and applying of these skills to solve problems. Character Curriculum This term we will be exploring the virtues of caring, helpfulness, cooperation, courage, national kindness week and reflection. Daily Mile The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children. Children are physically active (run, jog or walk) for 15 mins a day. Year 6 Autumn Term 1 Topic: Pensarn Big Question: What can I challenge myself to do whilst on a residential? Wow Start: Our trip Fantastic finish: Presentation to Year 5 STEM Science: How do micro-organisms rule the world? We look at microbes and the work of Pasteur and Jennings and at other discoveries of the Victorian period. Computing Technology: How do humans create computer games? Pupils learn to use variables in more complex ways, and to manipulate inputs to create useful outputs. Topic Outdoor challenges in an amazing setting. Children will be put in situations that will put them outside their comfort zone so that they get the chance to succeed in new and inspiring ways. P.E Year 6 will be having two P.E lessons: in one they will be developing their dodgeball skills working towards an interhouse tournament and in the other we they will be using out Real P.E. To develop their key sporting skills.

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