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Reading and Creating Text Form.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading and Creating Text Form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading and Creating Text Form

2 Learning Intentions KNOW: What free verse poetry is
The features of free verse poetry How to write free verse poetry DO: Silent reading followed by reading logs Notes Write a free verse poem in the style of Steven Herrick to either Caitlin or Billy, focussing on descriptive writing BE: Creative

3 Free Verse Poetry The Simple Gift is written as a collection of interrelated poems that tell a story known as Free Verse poems. This form of writing is often free from the normal rules of poetry. Instead, the author just focuses on the look, feel and sound of the poem.

4 Free Verse Poetry Free Verse Poetry Rules
The poet may choose to include some rhyming words but the poem does not have to rhyme. A Free Verse poem may be just a sentence that is artistically laid out on the page or it can be pages of words. Punctuation may be absent or it may be used to place greater emphasis on specific words. Lines can be shortened for speed, or segmented into smaller words or syllables to slow down reading.

5 Free Verse Poetry The main object of Free Verse is to use colorful words, punctuation, and word placement to convey meaning to the reader. Free verse poetry will often make use of visual and sound effects.

6 Group Task Take a look at the poems in The Simple Gift
What do you notice about Steven Herrick’s poems Make a list of FIVE observations that your group has made

7 Task to be written in WTL Book
Pretend you are Billy or Caitlin and write a love poem to the other person Tell them what you (as Billy or Caitlin) think of each other; describe them how do you feel about them what do you want for your futures together? SUBMISSION on or before Friday’s class

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