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Skeletal system Devon Academy Of Complementary Therapies

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1 Skeletal system Devon Academy Of Complementary Therapies

2 Skeletal Functions Supports body Protects viscera Movement
Skeletal System Skeletal Functions Supports body Protects viscera Movement Forms blood cells Muscles attachments Stores calcium & phosphorus Forms joints

3 F E S T P O Frontal Parietal Sphenoid Occipital Ethmoid Temporal
Skeletal System F E S T P O Frontal Parietal Sphenoid Occipital Ethmoid Temporal Bones of the Cranium

4 Skeletal System F E S T P O Bones of the Cranium Devon Academy © 2004

5 Nasal Hyoid Lacrimal Vomer Turbinate Zygomatic Palatine Maxilla
Skeletal System Nasal Hyoid Lacrimal Vomer Turbinate Zygomatic Palatine Maxilla Mandible Bones of the Face

6 Skeletal System Bones of the Face

7 Spinal Column 33 vertebrae 7 Cervical (neck) 1st Atlas 2nd Axis
Skeletal System Spinal Column 33 vertebrae 7 Cervical (neck) 1st Atlas 2nd Axis 12 Thoracic (ribs) Thoracic or rib cage 5 Lumbar 5 Sacral 4 Coccyx

8 Rib (Thoracic) Cage Clavicle Manubrium Sternum
Skeletal System Rib (Thoracic) Cage Clavicle Manubrium Sternum 12 Thoracic vertebrae (Ribs) 7 true 3 false 2 floating

9 Skeletal System Shoulder Girdle Scapula Clavicle Humerus

10 Pelvic Girdle Innominate Bones Ilium Ischium pubis Sacrum
Skeletal System Pelvic Girdle Innominate Bones Ilium Ischium pubis Sacrum Symphysis Pubis Coccyx

11 Skeletal System Arm Bones Humerus Radius Ulna

12 Hand Bones 6. Trapezium 5. Trapezoid 7. Scaphoid 4.Capitate 1. Lunate
Skeletal System Hand Bones 6. Trapezium 5. Trapezoid 7. Scaphoid 6 4.Capitate 5 7 1. Lunate 4 1 2 3 10 8 9 2. Pisiform 8. Triquetral 3. Hamate 9 Phalanges 10. Metacarpals Gail Lowe 0904

13 Skeletal System Hand Bones Devon Academy © 2004 6. 5. 7. 6 4. 5 7 1. 4 1 2 3 10 8 9 2. 8. 3. 9 10. Gail Lowe 0904

14 Carpals Some Scaphoid Lazy Lunate Therapists Trapezoid Pass Pisiform
Skeletal System Carpals Some Lazy Therapists Pass Having Copied Twenty Times Scaphoid Lunate Trapezoid Pisiform Hamate Capitate Trapezium Triquetral

15 Skeletal System Bones of the Leg Femur Patella Tibia Fibula

16 Foot Bones Talus 7 Tarsals Navicular 3 Cuneiforms Calcaneus Cuboid
Skeletal System Foot Bones Talus 7 Tarsals Navicular 3 Cuneiforms Calcaneus Cuboid 5 Metatarsals 14 Phalanges Gail Lowe 0904

17 Skeletal System Foot Bones 7 3 5 14 Gail Lowe 0904

18 Bone structure 2 types Bone tissue 1. Compact - near the surface
Skeletal System Bone structure 2 types Bone tissue 1. Compact - near the surface Haversian canal; blood lymph nerves Found outside of most bones and inside shaft of long bones 2. Cancellous or Spongy bone Consists of cavities which strengthen the bone Consists of bone marrow Found on ends long bones, inside irregular, flat & sesamoid bones All bones have both types of tissue

19 Bone structure Types of Bone cells Red & yellow bone marrow
Skeletal System Bone structure Types of Bone cells Osteoblasts, bone forming Osteoclasts, breaking down or reabsorbing Osteocytes – mature cells Red & yellow bone marrow Yellow Fat storage Red Blood cell production Red & white cells, platelets Periosteum – white covering

20 Bone types - shape Flat Bone Short Bone Irregular Bone
Skeletal System Bone types - shape Flat Bone Short Bone Irregular Bone Occipital, parietal, Scapula, sternum Innominate bones Tarsals, carpals Vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, mandible, maxilla Long Bone Sesamoid Bone Femur, humerus, metacarpals, ulna phalanges, radius Patella, hyoid

21 Three types of Joint Fixed or Fibrous
Skeletal System Three types of Joint Fixed or Fibrous No movement Fissures of Skull Innominate Slightly moveable or cartilaginous Cartilage between vertebrae Freely Moveable or Synovial Lubricated with synovial fluid Five types; Hinge; gliding; ball and socket; saddle; pivot

22 Freely Moveable Joints or Synovial Joints
Skeletal System Freely Moveable Joints or Synovial Joints Condyloid Ball & Socket Hinge Elbow, knee, Ankle, phalanges Tarsals, Carpals Hip, Shoulder Saddle Pivot Atlas, axis (neck) Radius & Ulna (forearm) Thumb

23 Growth & Repair Osteoblasts Osteoclasts Epiphysis Diaphysis
Skeletal System Growth & Repair Osteoblasts bone forming cell Osteoclasts cells that absorb old bone Epiphysis a separate bone developed in infancy later joining main structure Diaphysis mid section. contains bone marrow Ossification laying down of new bone

24 Postural Deformities Causes: Congenital Environmental Traumatic
Skeletal System Postural Deformities Causes: Congenital Birth, hereditary Environmental Postural damage Traumatic Accidents Three types: Scoliosis Sideways curve Kyphosis Outward or posterior curve Thoracic spine Quasimodo Lordosis Inward or anterior curvature Lumbar spine Big bellied SCOLIOSIS LORDOSIS KYPHOSIS

25 Diseases Arthritis Gout – Form of arthritis One joint – mono
Skeletal System Diseases Arthritis One joint – mono Many joints - poly Heat, redness, pain Inflammation, Loss cartilage Gout – Form of arthritis Effects all parts of body, mostly big toe Mostly men Uric acid crystals within joint capsule Attacks cause chronic joint destruction Extremely painful, red swollen

26 Rheumatoid Arthritis - Auto immune Disease
Osteoarthritis Skeletal System Previous injury, age related Degenerative crumbling of joint Weight bearing joints, Knee, hips etc Pain eases after 20 min’s movement 85% people over the 70 years age Rheumatoid Arthritis - Auto immune Disease Body fighting itself Attacks synovial membrane causing deformities to the surface of the bone

27 Ankylosing Spondylitis
Skeletal System Ankylosing Spondylitis Acute or chronic Fusion of joints Severe deformity immobility Osteoporosis Calcium deficiency Accelerated bone loss Mostly post menopausal women Bone Porosity Brittle bones disease

28 Skeletal System Synovitis Inflammation of a synovial (joint-lining) membrane, usually painful, particularly on motion, and characterized by swelling Ganglion Cyst of a tendon sheath or joint capsule producing a tense round painful swelling – seen almost only on the back of the hand or wrist

29 Bone Cancer Loss of limbs
Skeletal System Bone Cancer Primary bone cancer is very rare - about 500 cases in the UK each year Loss of limbs People loose their limbs for a variety of reasons through accidents and illness Prosthesis Prosthetics may be useful in aiding movement and aiding normal function

30 Comminuted Complicated Compound Impacted Simple G R E N S T I C k
Skeletal System Comminuted Complicated G R E N S T I C k Compound Impacted Simple

31 Osteomalacia Spinal Stenosis Whiplash
softening of bones due to defective bone mineralization (rickets in children) Spinal Stenosis Narrowing of spinal column Whiplash Represents a range of injuries to the neck caused by or related to a sudden distortion of the neck.

32 Osteogenesis imperfecta
Congenital disease known as brittle bone disease Psoriatic Arthritis an inflammatory joint disease associated with psoriasis Pagets Disease an abnormal breakdown of bone tissue, followed by abnormal bone formation

33 Slipped Disc Weakening or tearing spinal disc
Skeletal System Slipped Disc Weakening or tearing spinal disc Disc bulges or sticks out Often pressing on nerves Excruciating pain

34 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Skeletal System Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pressure on the median nerve of the wrist Cause - Swelling of the tissue Symptoms - aching, tingling, burning, pins and needles, numbness. Worse at night, in morning Repetitive Strain Injury – RSI Umbrella term - occupational origin Tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome Non specific pain syndrome Almost always of Spine, neck, shoulders, wrist etc Symptoms include: - Numbness, tingling, sharp pain, ache, loss of grip, weakness, restricted movement

35 Stress on the skeletal system
Muscle tension increases causing poor posture Clenched jaws Hunched shoulders Stiff joints Problems with spine

36 Links to other systems Muscular Nervous Digestive Urinary Circulatory
Skeletal System Links to other systems Muscular Skeletal rely on the muscles for leverage and movement Nervous Stimulate muscles in turn move bones Digestive Breaks down nutrients which are transported through the circulatory system to nourish bone tissues Urinary Hormones produced by the kidneys stimulate the the production of bone marrow in long bones Circulatory Erythrocytes are produced in the bone marrow

37 Skeletal System THAT’S ALL FOLKS!

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