FAK is required for LPA-mediated induction of trailing-edge retraction and the restoration of normal morphology. FAK is required for LPA-mediated induction.

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1 FAK is required for LPA-mediated induction of trailing-edge retraction and the restoration of normal morphology. FAK is required for LPA-mediated induction of trailing-edge retraction and the restoration of normal morphology. (A) Representative images of and α-tubulin staining of control and FAK-siRNA-treated cells that were either serum starved, or serum starved and stimulated with 10% serum or 2 μM LPA. (B) The elongation factor for siRNA-treated cells was determined after treating cells that had been serum starved overnight with serum or with LPA for 7 hours. The experiment was repeated twice and cells were analyzed per condition. Marcin P. Iwanicki et al. J Cell Sci 2008;121: © The Company of Biologists Limited 2008

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