Welcome to Back to School Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night!
Ms. Fernández Mrs. Espinosa Mrs. Oyola Mrs. Valdez

2 Homework Homework will be assigned Monday-Friday.
Missed homework will result in a lunch detention. 100 Book Challenge signatures are a part of the required daily homework. Your child will have 100 Book Challenge in both languages, math, and English Literacy homework daily. If your child is unable to complete the homework for any given reason, please write a note to the teacher so that it can be excused.

3 Materials Every night, your child will bring home: their agenda,
yellow folder, 100 Book Challenge books, Any other homework that is assigned Students will have access to the First in Math program and thinkcentral.com as well as our website, hostosthree.weebly.com, for continued practice. Please sign your child’s agenda daily so that we can see you have received all important information, as the agenda is also used as a communication notebook.

4 100 Book Challenge Students are required to read for a minimum of 30 minutes per day, 15 minutes in Spanish and 15 minutes in English. Parents must sign one line for each language. Each 100BC line equates to 15 minutes of reading. Students may read books from home for extra lines.

5 Grading Policy Students receive grades for tests, projects, quizzes, and classwork. Your child’s reading level impacts their grade in English and Spanish. Please sign all tests and return your child’s red test folder the next day. 101% and above: advanced, 85%-100%: proficient, 70%-84%: basic, and 69% and below: below basic. Grades are cumulative from semester to semester.

6 Behavior Policy Stoplight system.
Students receive 2 warnings before changing their name to yellow and 2 more warnings before changing their name to red. Yellow has a chance to move back to green if they improve their behavior. If your child is on a yellow, expect a written note in the agenda. If your child is on red, a phone call home will be made. Extreme behaviors (cheating, fighting, inappropriate language, etc.) will result in a disciplinary write-up. De Hostos Dinero is a school-wide reward system for exemplary behavior.

7 Attendance Students must arrive by 8:00 daily.
If your child is absent, please write a note to your child’s teacher so that it can be excused.

8 Uniform Policy A missing piece of the uniform, incorrect colored socks/shoes, not arriving in gym uniform during gym days will result in a uniform violation.

9 Standardized Tests Your child will take a state standardized test this year. Reading Math

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