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Chapter 11:1 & 11:2 The Jackson Era

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1 Chapter 11:1 & 11:2 The Jackson Era
Section 1: From Adams to Jackson Section 2: Jacksonian Democracy


3 Election1824 House Representatives elect J. A. Adams Corrupt Bargain
Adams political ideas not popular

4 Election 1828 Democratic-Republican party splits: Democrats and Republican party Campaign resorts to mudslinging Jackson elected under the Democratic-Republican (Democrats) John C. Calhoun becomes Vice President

5 Section 2: Jacksonian Democracy
Suffrage: Increased the right to vote for many people. Spoils System: Bureaucracy Electoral Changes: Caucus system to nominating conventions (today0 Tariff Abomination: Tariff on manufactured goods from Europe (North loved; South hated it)

6 The South Protest South hated tariff and wanted to nullify or cancel a federal law Some Southerners called for the Southern states to secede from union Does a state have the right to secede from the union? State’s rights—that the states have many rights and powers that are independent of the federal government.

7 Webster-Hayne Debate Webster attack stinging remarks on states’ rights
Fights on in Congress and across the union

8 Jackson Takes a Stand Jackson stands and states “our federal union …..must be preserved” Calhoun resigns over states’ rights issue


10 Nullification Crisis South Carolina legislative passed the Nullification Act declaring that would not pay the tariffs set by the federal government South Carolina threatens to secede from Union Jackson persuaded Congress to pass the Force Bill Force Bill forced states to follow the federal laws or be forced with the military South Carolina backs down……for a short time anyways.

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