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Definition: The role or behaviour learned by a person as appropriate to their gender, determined by the prevailing cultural norms. (

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Presentation on theme: "Definition: The role or behaviour learned by a person as appropriate to their gender, determined by the prevailing cultural norms. ("— Presentation transcript:

1 Definition: The role or behaviour learned by a person as appropriate to their gender, determined by the prevailing cultural norms. (

2 “Sex is what is between your legs, and gender is what you think of yourself as a person,” (Jazz, Toronto Star, Storm Baby Article)

3 Gender roles







10 Gender roles are socially constructed
Gender socialization begins at birth Communities and cultures influence how we treat people based on their sex Roles are created through stereotypes We assign people with a certain sex to roles they are supposed to fit into In the community At home At work

11 Gender roles differ based on different cultures or societies

12 George Murdock (1937) Pre-industrial communities
In over 200 communities across the world, males and females generally had the same roles in the culture/ community Men: strong, aggressive, hunters, warfare Women: sensitive, nurturing, stays home to cook or care for the children Gender roles were based on the physical aspects of the sexes Women gave birth and therefore looked after the children Men were biologically stronger and therefore hunted and fought

13 Margaret Mead (1900) First Tribe: Second Tribe: Third Tribe:
Both men and women had equal gender roles- They both completed stereotypically men and women tasks Second Tribe: Cannibals Both men and women had equal roles- Stereotypically masculine roles Perhaps due to the brutality of the society, both men and women were aggressive, selfish, and masculine Third Tribe: Men and women had different roles Reverse of gender stereotypes Men were submissive, emotional, and cared for the children Women were logical and dominant

14 *Culture DOES have an effect on how men and women act*

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