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Jewish refugee Crisis.

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1 Jewish refugee Crisis

2 Preview Draw this NY Times political cartoon
What do each of the symbols represent? (the hands and the people) What specific policy is the artist suggesting the US take? Explain why….

3 Jewish Refugee Crisis 1938 – “1st solution” reaches a breaking point as Jews in Germany and Austria desperately try to flee Nazi persecution United States quota system limited immigration from European countries Great Depression = limited jobs and resources Immigrants needed sponsorship Xenophobia Gallup poll - 61% of Americans opposed the proposal to offer refuge to 10,000 German Jewish children 1930s Roper polls -60% of Americans thought Jews had “objectionable qualities” 50% thought Jews had too much power 20% saying they would sympathize with an antisemitic campaign


5 Evian Conference July 1938 Evian Conference – International meeting held in France to resolve Jewish refugee crisis 33 nations attended Franklin D. Roosevelt did not attend Sent a personal friend…perception was the US government did not take the crisis seriously Most countries would not take refugees due to poor economic conditions and xenophobia Fueled Nazi antisemetic propaganda – ‘Why would anyone want more Jews in the their country?”

6 Kindertransport 1939 Kindertransport
Great Britain took in 10,000 German Jewish Refugee children

7 SS St. Louis June 6th – May 13th 1939
Jewish refugees heading to Cuba Denied access by Cuban government at last minute Went to Miami hoping to gain access to the United States instead - US said NO SS ST. Louis returned to Europe Jewish refugees admitted into European nations Most of those nations would end up being occupied by the Nazis during World War II


9 The Struma 1942 74 year old boat heading from Romanian to Palestine with 781 Jewish refugees British cut off emigration to Palestine – Struma refugees turned away Struma ended up in Turkey Refugees not allowed to disembark Towed out to Black sea and sank Today we know they were torpedoed by a Soviet submarine Most died from drowning or hypothermia One survivor

10 Refugees in Germany – What I learned from my study tour
Fall 2015 Germany accepted 96% of refugees who have applied for Asylum in Europe 8,000 to 15,000 refugees a day Two groups Syrian refugees - More high skilled labor Afghan refugees - Low skilled labor German’s think analytically – “What can we do differently than other nations to avoid radicalization of refugees?” Full integration - avoid creating “Muslim ghettos” similar to those outside of Paris Focus on language training and apprenticeship programs “Spending money” provided to refugees

11 Response

12 Refugees in Germany – What I learned from my study tour
Challenges : No right to health care (emergencies only) Teaching refugees to respect female instructors and police with same respect as males Punctuality is important in German culture Political extremism and nativism – Alternative for Deutschland (AFD) gaining support as anti-immigrant political party Integration will not happen in one generation Turkish immigrants in 2nd and 3rd generation still not fully integrated Integration = Full acceptance of German social norms

13 Bonus refugees-shubert/index.html

14 Response Complete map activity

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