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July 2018.

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1 July 2018

2 Did you know? Ms Beach is allocating £3000 to Student Council for members and pupils to vote on how the money is spent. However, the only catch is that any repairs due to vandalism of School property the money will be taken from Student Council budget…..

3 Attendees: Y7 Katie S Reece S Y8 Negin M Y9 Molly S Matthew C Y10
Katie L Andrew F Staff Mrs Shaw Mrs Marshall

4 Suggestions on how we can encourage all students to respect and treat Rayner Stephens building with care. Encourage students to think about their actions by showing prices More respect awards More bins School council said: There are very few bins on the corridors – can this be increased?

5 Suggestion from student council
Create a student Eco Team of volunteers to care for the school community

6 How should the £3000 be spent?
Games room Bike shed Outdoor sports equipment for break and lunch times Cinema rooms Insight app for students Trips Student Wi-Fi More extra- curricula activities School mini bus Student Council says: We will ask share these ideas with Ms Beach and report her response Fun day

7 Are there any improvements you would like to suggest about Student Council?
Student Council to have a board to display their photographs More involvement Meetings with lunch provided More competitions More charity events School council said: We will create a board showing the Student Council members Student Council said: Everyone has a chance to contribute to meetings via their form representative

8 Are there any improvements you would like to suggest?
Student Council said: Can people who choose to damage school property be excluded from Achievement Point draws and Reward trips as a deterrent for vandalism? Mrs Marshall says: We are an inclusive school and will sanction poor behaviour choices but will always reward good behaviour choices

9 Any other business… Student Council said: We are going to create a display board and present an assembly showing what we could spend £3000 on to encourage students to look after their school

10 You said… We did… Any other business…
As a result from feedback through student council your views have been listened to and changes taken place

11 Any other business… You said… We did… Reward Postcards

12 Any other business… You said… We did… Create a league table showing Teachers awarding the most achievement points to inspire Teachers to reward more points

13 More choice in the canteen
Any other business… You said… We did… More choice in the canteen Student Council met with Mrs Dodd (Canteen Manager) to raise your concerns over choice. She says she is happy to look at trying to add more options to the menu – can we send her suggestions!?

14 Teachers to share Achievement Points with Forms
Any other business… You said… We did… Teachers to share Achievement Points with Forms

15 More rewards throughout the School Year – Film Nights
Any other business… You said… We did… More rewards throughout the School Year – Film Nights

16 Any other business… You said… We did… More rewards at the end of term – bowling was introduced as an alternative to Alton Towers

17 Revision classes for Year 10
Any other business… You said… We did… Revision classes for Year 10

18 Any other business… You said… We did… Mirrors in the toilets

19 Wearing PE kit home after P5
Any other business… You said… We did… Wearing PE kit home after P5

20 Leggings as an option for the PE kit
Any other business… You said… We did… Leggings as an option for the PE kit

21 Jump the dinner queue passes as rewards
Any other business… You said… We did… Jump the dinner queue passes as rewards

22 Did you know… Ms Beach, SLT and staff listen to your views through Student Council. As a result, more students have been rewarded certificates, postcards have been ordered and awarded, Mrs Whittaker has created an incentive league for Teachers to reward students with Achievement Points


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