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The Enlightenment (Neoclassical) Period

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1 The Enlightenment (Neoclassical) Period

2 Timeline of Major Events
Slavery beginning to be Outlawed Charles II Dies, James II takes throne. Boston Tea Party Great Plague of London Anne die, George I takes throne Queen Mary dies March 1665 February 1685 August 1714 June 1772 December 1773 December 1694 April 1775 September 1666 February 1689 May 1756 March 1702 Great Fire of London William III Dies, Anne takes throne American War of Independence starts Seven Years War Begins William III & Mary announced asking & queen. March 1665 Great Plague of London begins 100,000 die September Great Fire of London destroys ⅔ of city Feb Charles II dies = James II taking the throne Feb William III and Mary formally announced as king and queen. Dec Queen Mary dies March William III dies= Anne takes throne August Anne dies= George I takes throne May 1756 Seven Years War begins between France & Britain June Slavery outlawed in England December Boston Tea Party April American War of Independence starts

3 Historical Importance
Restoration ( ), Augustan ( ), Age of Johnson ( ) Holders of the Throne The Stuarts line The House of Hanoverians Great Fire of London - September 2nd, 1666 Jacobite Rebellion Seven Years war

4 Government King Charles I Oliver Cromwell Monarchs House of Lords
Act of Settlement House of Lords House of Commons -England’s government was governed under a mixed constitution. Made up of Monarchs, the House of Lords and the House of Commons -For a brief period of time when King Charles I was executed England became a republic in 1660 -A republic is when the power is to the people -England had a total of 7 monarchs during the enlightenment era Charles II ( ), James II ( ), William III ( ), Anne ( ), George I ( ), George II ( ), George III ( ) -Act of Settlement signed in 1701 evolved the principal of a constitutional monarchy which is also stilled used today -The Act of Settlement also established that the monarchs would be protestant and that the monarchs need the consent of parliament in order to declare war or leave the country -The Whig party was the most dominant party in the House of Commons (1700s) they focused more on foreign-born monarchs -Between there were 558 members of Parliament that sat at westminster at any given time -Members of the House of Lords were not elected to their positions -Prior to 1711 all the lords are hereditary which means they inherited their title from an ancestor -The House of Lords worked alongside the House of Commons -Oliver Cromwell took over England but then he died so his eldest son Richard took throne and later in his rule he was forced to flee to france for the restoration of england and thats when king Charles II took rule Lower house of the parliament House of Commons

5 Employment England became much richer during this time as trade and commerce evolved. Social Classes Wealthy Landowners Most powerful Gentry Merchants, wealthy tradesmen Yeomen Owned and worked on their own land Middle class Merchants artisans, shopkeepers, tradesmen Laboring poor Minimal jobs Black britons Black slaves

6 Employment Two groups: The Tories and The whigs The Tories
Conservatives Supporters of the crown Drew power from gentry and the country clergy. The Whigs Jealous of the crown Merchants, financiers, bishops and low church clergymen Children at Work Began working as young as 7. Average and poor families Worked on farms as shepherds, cowherds, or apprentices Left home

7 Family Structure Rich were forced to pay taxes to help the poor.
Life of the average family was simple and laborious. One to two room houses The average wife gave birth to 8-10 children Only raised 5-6 children Daughters remained at home until they found a husband. Oldest son inherited the farm.

8 Style Women Men Full skirt with hoop Large rim hats with feathers
Dress preferably satin Low collars Hair had meaning Men Large rim hats with feathers Ribbons and layers High heeled shoes with ribbons

9 Famous works of Literature
Popular types of Literature Novels, Biographies, History, Journalism, Dramas, Plays, and Poetry Popular Names John Bunyan, John Bryden, Samuel Butler, John Oldham, Aphra Behn, Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift. Isaac Newton, John Locke, Samuel Pepy. Elizabeth Robinson Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Sarah Scott, Mary Wollstonecraft

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