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The Great War (World War I).

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Presentation on theme: "The Great War (World War I)."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great War (World War I)

2 What would you do if your friend got beat up?
How fights start…

3 Causes of World War I Think MANIA!!!!! Militarism Alliances
Nationalism Imperialism Assassination

4 Militarism Nations built up huge, modern militaries as a nationalistic arms race began. Conscription – increases troop levels Industrialization – national increase of factory production

5 Alliances Entente Powers Great Britain France Russia Central Powers
Germany Austria-Hungary Italy Ottoman Empire Entente Powers Great Britain France Russia

6 Nationalism The intense feeling and pride toward one’s nation – examples: new countries of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Serbia, and Italy Created a notion of superiority Why do we love America (Merica) so much???

7 Examples of Nationalism

8 Imperialism Imperial ambitions between European countries
Competed over territory and raw materials in Africa and Asia Land disputes in Europe too

9 Assassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne Assassinated June 28th 1914 Sarajevo, Bosnia Serbian Nationalist group “Black Hand” Gavrilo Princip

10 The Chain Reaction With backing from Germany, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Russia declares war on Austria-Hungary and Germany. France declares war on Germany and Austria Hungary. Britain declares war on Germany and Austria Hungary. Italy holds off, then declares war on Germany and Austria- Hungary a year later. Ottoman empire declares war on Britain, France, and Russia. Um…the bar fight scenario might explain this better…

11 Too much optimism?

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