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Lord Mahavira.

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1 Lord Mahavira

2 Vardhamana Mahavira 599-527 B.C.
Born in northern India, raised in Hindu culture Became convinced that Hinduism was incorrect At age 30, he became an Ascetic: he gave away all his worldly possessions and became a vegetarian

3 Began to meditate daily
At age 42, he achieved enlightenment and became a “conqueror” Taught his methods for 30 years At age 72, he died of “gradual fasting”

4 Jainism

5 Great Vows of a Sadhu Ahimsa non-violence, cause no harm to any living being  Satya speaking the truth  Asetya not taking anything that is not given to them by the owner   Brahmacharya complete abstinence from sex   Aparigraha detachment from places, persons and things 

6 Ahimsa The essence of Jainism The noble art of non-violence
Extends to other people, insects, micro-organisms, the entire planet Jains try to avoid harm to other living beings

7 Dennis Kucinich 2008 presidential candidate speaking to Jain young people in India

8 Reincarnation From Hinduism The soul is eternal, reborn over and over
May be in animal or inanimate form, everything –everything– has a soul Only the human form can stop the cycle

9 Karma For every action, a consequence
Bad thoughts and actions in past lives lead to bad consequences in the next

10 Moksha Salvation Eliminating the effects of Karma
Achieved through meditation and right conduct

11 Symbol Adopted in 1975 2500 years after Mahavira Swastika represents
4 types of re-births, Shape of a pinwheel (Three dots are right Faith, Knowledge and Conduct)

12 Death of Mahavira Voluntary death by fasting
Represents complete renunciation of earthly possessions Not seen as suicide seen as liberation

13 Cultural Impact 4 million worldwide, mostly in India
Ghandi was influenced by Ahimsa Campaign of non-violent resistance to British rule They refused to fight back Martin Luthor King

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