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Vocabulary 2 25 2015.

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1 Vocabulary

2 Birds of the Everglades
VIP Vocabulary Information Picture

3 Heron a large fish-eating wading bird with long legs, a long S-shaped neck, and a long pointed bill.

4 Everglades a marshy tract of land that is mostly under water and covered with tall grass.

5 Wading walk through water or another liquid or soft substance.

6 Wingspan the maximum extent across the wings of an aircraft, bird, or other flying animal, measured from tip to tip.

7 Hollow having a hole or empty space inside

8 webbed having the toes connected by a membrane.

9 Magnificent impressively beautiful

10 snatching Quickly grab something in a rude way.

11 talons a claw, especially one belonging to a bird of prey.

12 aquatic of or relating to water.

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