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Quick Write In your writing section, answer: What is persuasion?

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Write In your writing section, answer: What is persuasion?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Write In your writing section, answer: What is persuasion?
What are some tools or methods that people use to persuade others? How have you used persuasion in your life?

2 In what way is persuasive speaking different than persuasive writing? P. 4
Things in common Presenting

3 Persuasive Speeches P. 4 Writing Presenting
Use meaningful word choice to convey point Focus on strong points/benefits Organize to build argument Include evidence to support argument Argue that it’s for the greater good Demonstrate your expertise Ask questions to engage their interest Relate to audience’s experience/interests Threaten/intimidate… Add humor End with lingering thought Slogan/catchy language Use analogies to compare Eye contact with audience Something interactive to engage Enthusiastic tone of voice/confidence Body language -- strong posture, don’t fidget Be relaxed, have fun

4 Persuasive Speeches P. 5 Writing Presenting Confident language
Precise and meaningful words Support with facts/evidence Offer incentives Demonstrate why it’s a smart move Appeal to emotion Consider your audience -- relate to their interests/experiences Bash opposite side Stay strong on point - do not waver Energy/enthusiasm Body language -- confident stance, gesture to convey enthusiasm Persuasive tone -- emphasis, volume Visual aids Stay on the point -- be clear

5 Quick Write How would you define tone (in writing or in speech)?
List as many possible “tone” descriptions as you can think of * should be one-word answers (serious, polite, rude, excited…) then… share tone words ‘round room, hand out and go over Tone sheet (P2P’s)

6 Tone “I love your sweater.”

7 Steve Jobs’ Graduation Speech at Stanford, 2005
While watching, consider: What is the subject of the speech? What is his tone? What methods does he use to persuade his audience? Then answer Q’s, discuss with a partner and as a class, add to chart.

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