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Year 6 Residential BOREATTON PARK.

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1 Year 6 Residential BOREATTON PARK

2 DATE OF RESIDENTIAL. MONDAY 30TH September 2019 – Friday 4th October 2019

3 COST The total cost of the residential is £286
COST The total cost of the residential is £286.33(negotiated down from £336.33). On top of this you may wish to send your child with spending money (£10-£15) for them to spend on souvenirs/treats at the shop on site. Shopping time is allocated to each school daily.

4 TRAVEL DETAILS. Children and staff will travel by coach
TRAVEL DETAILS. Children and staff will travel by coach. Departure – Coach will leave Boldmere after lunch to arrive at Boreatton Park in time for a tour of the ground and tea. Return - Coach will leave Boreatton Park after lunch and arrive back at Boldmere around 3-4pm

5 ACTIVITIES Activities are selected by school from a range of 50
ACTIVITIES Activities are selected by school from a range of 50. They are graded A,B and C. School selects a given number from each group. This ensure a range of activities that offer a wide range of experiences that should suit all children. (See website for the range of activities available) Children will be able to select at least one friend who will be in their activity group. There are 3 activities a day. One of which is a whole school evening activity such as – a giant game of hide and seek, campfire with singing and toasted marshmallows, team games, orienteering. We will ensure that we have a good selection to cater for all of our children.

6 ACTIVITIES When selecting our activities we will do our best to ensure that our children get the opportunity to be challenge individually, in pairs and in groups. There will be ‘thinking challenges’ as well as physical ones.

7 SAFEGUARDING. All PGL staff have DBS clearance
SAFEGUARDING. All PGL staff have DBS clearance. Dorms have coded lock access. Staff accompanying the children will have a range of safeguarding qualification. DSL(Designated Safeguarding Lead) training, first aid training. Detailed additional needs will be shared with centre staff prior to residential. Where necessary a member of Boldmere staff will be allocated to activity groups to ensure children have fair access and the support necessary.

8 FOOD VERY IMPORTANT The centre has very impressive catering facilities
FOOD VERY IMPORTANT The centre has very impressive catering facilities. All children and staff have access to a large shared dining room where a time slot is allocated. All dietary needs can be catered for. This is supported by a whiteboard that identifies which food is suitable for specific diets. (medical and religious) The menu looked great – cooked breakfast to start them off on a busy day. Children have to take some responsibility for their diet but members of staff will always be on hand to help.

9 SLEEPING All children sleep in dorms of varying sizes. 4-12 children
SLEEPING All children sleep in dorms of varying sizes children. Some dorms have ensuite, others have washing facilities along the corridor. All staff accommodation is near to the children so that they have access to school staff at all times of the day and night. Children will be able to pick at least one friend that they will share the dorm with. As we do not yet know which accommodation we have been allocated we are unable to give more details about how many in a dorm or who they will share with.

10 CLOTHING We will send a clothing list nearer to time, but certainly before we break up for the summer. However – I can make one suggestion – VERY OLD CLOTHES. They will get wet, muddy and probably very smelly.

11 I hope this gives you some information that will help you to decide whether or not it is a residential for your child. It is an amazing place with activities we have never had the option to do before. Please let the office know of any questions that you have just in case I need to do any research prior to the meeting. I will of course do my best to answer as many as possible on Wednesday but may need to contact the centre for any answers I cannot give. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 13th March at 5pm in the school hall.

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