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English Colonies Mr. Wolf

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1 English Colonies Mr. Wolf

2 Spanish Armada





7 Scurvy Figure 21. Note the marked hematomas due to capillary hemorrhages in the legs of the patient with scurvy shown in Figure 22.

8 Figure 22. This markedly hyperthrophic and hemorrhagic gingiva was seen in a patient with scurvy. She was a loner and only ate plants that she gathered in the wild



11 Joint Stock Company The Virginia Company founds Jamestown
“He who shall not work, shall not eat” John Smith The main reason Jamestown was saved was the introduction of tobacco by John Rolfe

12 House of Burgesses Created in 1619
Representative government was authorized by the London Company, (The Joint Stock Company that owned Jamestown) Eventually the King revoked the charter and the colony became a royal colony

13 Maryland Similar to VA in that it existed primarily as a tobacco producer. Relied on indentured servants until late 1600s Because it was founded by Lord Baltimore, who was Catholic, the colony passed the Act of Toleration for all Christians. (But death to non believers of Jesus)

14 Carolinas Established by 8 Lord Proprietors who were people loyal to King Charles II Designed to supply the West Indies Rice became main crop Frequent problems with Spanish Florida until emergence of Georgia

15 North Carolina Colony of squatters
Poor from VA went South into the wilderness and created North Carolina

16 Georgia Founded in 1733 the last colony
Created to defend colonies from Spanish Florida Only colony to get monetary subsidies from the Crown James Oglethorpe is most prominent founder known for military ability Least populated because of unhealthy climate, limitations on slavery, and attacks from Florida

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