12/19/12 – plant Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "12/19/12 – plant Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 12/19/12 – plant Unit

2 Roots Roots anchor plants in the ground
Roots absorb water and nutrients Roots can be a storage location (carrots)

3 1. Water enters the plant through the ____________________________.

4 Leaves Leaves capture the sun’s energy and carry out photosynthesis (food making process)

5 2. Most photosynthesis takes place in a plant’s ______________________.

6 3. Both male and female reproductive organs can be found in a plant’s _____________________.

7 ....in photosynthesis We need Fuel and we need Raw Materials

8 4. The energy plants use for photosynthesis comes from _______________.

9 Plants are _________________ meaning they produce their own food
5. What does autotrophic mean? Are all plants autotrophic?

10 Plant Adaptations Waxy Cuticle -waterproof layer that keeps water in
Water evaporates from puddles and Water evaporates from plants This is called transpiration Waxy Cuticle -waterproof layer that keeps water in

11 6. The cuticle is an adaptation plants have that helps them to retain _________________.

12 7. What is the primary pigment in chloroplasts and what color does it reflect? ________________________________

13 8. Which membrane-bound organelle is responsible for photosynthesis

14 9. Most carbon dioxide enters a plant through its ____________________.

15 3 Parts of Seeds Cotyledon 1. The Embryo: The young plant that develops from the fertilized egg (zygote)

16 2. Cotyledon: Food that is stored in seed leaves

17 3. Seed Coat: The outer covering of a seed
Protects embryo and its food from drying out.

18 Fertilization 1. pollen (sperm) sticks to the stigma (female part)
(pollination) 2. pollen (sperm) travels down into the ovule (egg) 3. Zygote (fertilized egg) is formed 4. Seed (ovule) and Fruit (ovary) develop

19 10. The transfer of pollen from male to female reproductive structures is called _________________.

20 11. What are the reproductive structures of plants? ___________________.

21 12 + 13 Stigma Pistil Anther Style Stamen Ovary Filament
Sepal: protects developing flower

22 14. To which structure shown in the diagram do pollen grains attach during pollination?
What holds the pollen grains on that structure? _____________________ ___________________

23 15. After pollination, what happens to the structure labeled E in the diagram?
_____________________ ___________________

24 So... in photosynthesis Carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil combine in the plant using light energy The products are sugar, which the plant uses for food, and oxygen which is released

25 16. In addition to sunlight and chlorophyll, what are the two materials that a plant needs to carry on photosynthesis? ___________________,_________________ 17. Identify two products that result from photosynthesis. ___________________,____________________

26 18. Identify the plant organ that is responsible for
(a) anchoring the plant: (b) making food: (c) absorbing water: (d) letting in carbon dioxide: (e) supporting the leaves: roots

27 1-pollination, 2-fertilization,
19. Place the following steps in the correct order, starting with a flower and ending with a new plant. A. fertilization B. germination C. seed and fruit formation D. pollination 1-pollination, 2-fertilization, 3-seed and fruit formation, 4-germination

28 20. Many flowers have pleasant odors that attract bees
20. Many flowers have pleasant odors that attract bees. How does attracting bees benefit the plant? Attracting bees benefits the plant since they may transfer pollen and pollinate the plant.

29 21. Why are the stigmas of many flowers sticky?

30 22. In this diagram, fertilization occurs between which two stages. 23
22. In this diagram, fertilization occurs between which two stages? 23. Germination occurs between which two stages?

31 24. Complete the analogy: Ovule is to seed, as ovary is to ______________ 25. List three ways seeds are dispersed:

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