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Adult Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Adult Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adult Development

2 Young Adulthood 20-40 years old
Most people reach their physical peak when they are about 25 Life path at 20 will most likely not be your life path at age 30 New job, find a mate, start a family, etc.

3 Gender Differences Women Men How many more years can I have children?
Feeling that they are going to not be able to have kids Stress of caring for the family and working Men Stress of being the “bread winner” New family adds more to this pressure

4 Relationships Once adults form their identity, it is much easier to have a stable and intimate relationship Close and trusting relationships where one can be honest without fear of rejection Those that don’t have intimate relationships can start pattern of loneliness and isolation

5 Marriage Median age of marriage Marry people who are similar
Men: 27, Women: 25 Marry people who are similar 4% interracial 90% same religious views Men are usually 2-5 years older than their mate

6 Divorce More than ¼ of all children live in a single parent home
Why is divorce more common? Easier to gain Financial security of the mother Spousal abuse, child abuse, infidelity, illness, money, communication, high expectations Financial Costs Mothers usually responsible for the children Fathers pay child support and alimony Majority remarry

7 Children of Divorce More likely to have behavior problems, substance abuse, and lower grades Boys often have a harder time dealing with and adjusting to parental conflict and divorce Marital conflict and fighting can cause serious psychological distress on children and adolescents Conflicts can make relationships with children strained and can cause problems for the children in their own relationships

8 Middle and Late Adulthood

9 Middle Adulthood 40-65 Middle Transition Mid-life Crisis
Men: 40-45, Women: 35-40 Critical Event often occurs Mid-life Crisis 45-65 Reassessment of life What will I do with the rest of my life?

10 Life Changes Empty Nest Syndrome Menopause
Emptiness and loneliness after children leave Increased freedom Menopause End of menstruation in women Hormonal changes Hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings Can be stressful

11 Late Adulthood 65 and older Physical Changes Wrinkles and skin folds
Senses of sight, hearing, and smell decrease Memory begins to fade

12 Why do we age? Programmed theories Cellular Damage theory
Biological clocks move forward Cells can only divide so many times Cells become less able to repair themselves and are vulnerable to diseases like cancer Cellular Damage theory Cells malfunction due to damage Free Radicals accumulate in the body Environmental agents, digestion, UV light, pollution, pesticides, and heat

13 Cognitive Changes Memory declines Dementia Senile Dementia
After age 65 Alzheimer’s Disease Progressive form of mental deterioration 10% of 65+, 50% of 85+ Vascular Dementia Blood vessels in the brain burst

14 Social Changes Retirement Become a grandparent Living Arraingments
Ego Identity Belief that life is meaningful and worth living after physical abilities decline

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