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Dict speak.

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1 Dict speak

2 contradict to speak against; to say the opposite

3 Obedient children do not contradict their parents or teachers
Obedient children do not contradict their parents or teachers. Andrew likes to contradict whatever Daniel says.

4 dictation what is written down as someone says it

5 The teacher checked the dictation of the students’ spelling sentences
The teacher checked the dictation of the students’ spelling sentences. Many secretaries use to take dictation of their boss’s instructions or letters.

6 dictator a leader who speaks and rules with total power

7 A live in a country with a dictator as a ruler can be very difficult.
Sometimes an older sibling acts like a dictator when babysitting.

8 diction the manner in which something is expressed in words (written or spoken)

9 During her speech the girl used excellent diction.
The older gentleman’s speech was difficult to understand due to his poor diction.

10 dictionary a reference book in which spoken or written words are defined

11 We sometimes use a dictionary to find the meanings of new words.
Using a dictionary to figure out the spellings of words can be difficult.

12 dictum a judge’s ruling or statement

13 The judge’s dictum stated that the man must serve 3 years in prison.
The dictum seemed harsh for such a minor crime.

14 edict public words issued by an official that explain a law or command

15 The edict demanded that all citizens pay another 5% in taxes.
Citizens were upset about the edict for increased taxes and demanded a change.

16 indictment formal words spoken or written by a jury that charge a person with crime

17 The indictment stated that the man was guilty of robbing a store.
When the indictment was read, the man looked guilty of being accused of theft.

18 predict to say what will happen before it occurs

19 I predict that you will be a more scholarly student and stronger citizen by the end of fourth grade.
It helps us think about what we read if we predict what we are going to read about.

20 verdict the decision a jury makes in a trial; the decision said by the jury

21 After deliberating for a few hours, the jury gave a verdict of “not guilty.”
The man looked relieved when he heard the verdict from the jury.

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