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Lima Prinsip Dlm Pengajaran & Pembelajaran Matematik

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1 Lima Prinsip Dlm Pengajaran & Pembelajaran Matematik
Five pillars in teaching and learning mathematics

2 Lima Prinsip Dlm Pengajaran & Pembelajaran Matematik
1. Problem Solving in Mathematics 2. Communication in Mathematics 3. Mathematical Reasoning 4. Mathematical Connections 5. Application of Technology Problem solving is the main focus in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Understanding mathematical procedures and solving problems are two skills that emerge naturally when relational understanding is focussed upon. As a result, problem solving approaches should be used to investigate and understand mathematical content. The teaching learning process must include exercises on problem solving skills which are comprehensive and cover the whole curriculum. The development of these skills must to be emphasised so that pupils are able to solve various problems effectively. The skills involved are: Various strategies and steps are used to solve problems and these can be applied to other learning areas. In solving these problems, pupils learn to apply mathematics and gradually become confident in facing new challenging situations. Among the problem solving strategies to consider are: (Rujuk HSP Matematik KBSR)

3 Keperluan Umum Sukatan Pelajaran Matematik
Penyelesaian masalah merupakan aspek yang terpenting dalam matematik Ia merupakan kemahiran berfikir yang menjana cetusan pemikiran yang sistematik dan logik serta boleh dijadikan sebagai satu pendekatan. Pendekatan penyelesaian masalah memberi penekanan terhadap perkembangan pemikiran matematik dan keupayaan menaakul yang dilakukan melalui aktiviti yang konkrit dan berfikrah.

4 Keperluan Umum Sukatan Pelajaran Matematik
Pendidikan Matematik perlu membentuk individu yang seimbang dan harmonis Nilai murni dan unsur kesepaduan seperti sains, patriotisme dan alam sekitar perlu diterapkan Penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi perlu digunakan supaya proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik lebih menarik dan berkesan

5 Keperluan Umum Sukatan Pelajaran Matematik
Kejayaan murid dalam penyelesaian masalah bergantung kepada pengalaman, sikap, kepercayaan, kesediaan dan keyakinan murid. Justeru itu, semua aktiviti penyelesaian masalah perlu berasaskan kepada persekitaran dan pengalaman sebenar murid.

6 Penekanan P&P Dalam HSP
The Mathematics Curriculum is ordered in such a way so as to give flexibility to the teachers to create an environment that is enjoyable, meaningful, useful and challenging for teaching and learning.

7 Penekanan P&P Dalam HSP
The T&L processes emphasise concept building, skill acquisition as well as the inculcation of positive values. Other elements need to be learnt through the T&L processes

8 Penekanan P&P Dalam HSP
The main emphasis: Problem Solving in Mathematics Communication in Mathematics Mathematical Reasoning Mathematical Connections Application of Technology

9 Pendekatan Pembelajaran
Pendekatan p&p berpusatkan pelajar serta menarik; mengambil kira kebolehan dan gaya pembelajaran; berpusatkan sumber – bahan pengajaran pembelajaran yang relevan dan sesuai dengan pelajar

10 Strategi Pembelajaran
Antara yang disarankan dalam HSP Cooperative learning; Contextual learning; Mastery learning; Constructivism; Enquiry-discovery; and Futures Study.

11 Penilaian Penilaian formatif digunakan untuk menentukan keberkesanan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran

12 Penilaian Assessment should use multiple techniques written work
oral work demonstration.

13 Penilaian These may be in the form of interviews,
open-ended questions, observations assignments.

14 Penilaian Based on the results, teachers can
rectify pupils’ misconceptions and weaknesses improve their own teaching skills.

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