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Causes of WWI Industrial Revolution Militarism Alliances Imperialism

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2 Causes of WWI Industrial Revolution Militarism Alliances Imperialism
Germany Alliances Triple Alliance (Central Powers) Triple Entente (Allied Powers) Imperialism Partition of Africa, Southeast Asia Nationalism Serbia

3 Immediate Cause Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
by Gavrilo Princip, June 28th, 1914.

4 Escalation 1. Aus.Hung. declared war on Serbia.
2. Russia mobilized to aid Serbia. 3. Germany aids Aus.Hung., declares war on Russia. 4. France mobilizes to aid Russia. 5. Germany declares war on France. 6. Germany invades Belgium. 7. Britain declares war on Germany. 8. Ottoman Empire mobilizes to aid Germany and Aus.Hung. 9. Italy joins France, Britain, and Russia. 10. Bulgaria joins Ottoman Empire, Germany, and Aus.Hung. 11. US joins Italy, France, Britain, and Russia

5 Countries Involved

6 Trench Warfare

7 No Man’s Land

8 Trench Warfare

9 End of WWI

10 The Beginning of the End
After two long years of battle throughout Europe, in 1916 the Allied and Central Powers reached a stalemate on land and sea War of attrition where each side simply tried to outlast the other, without achieving any considerable victories

11 The Deciding Factor The United States quickly declared its neutrality when the war first started in 1914 However, by 1916 it had become a major supplier of food, raw materials, and weaponry. At the start of the war, Americans traded and supported both sides. But as things progressed they became exclusive to the Allies.

12 Treaty of Versailles At the start of 1918, with Russia agreeing to peace, Germany felt that it was in a strong position to win the war. German Navy and Army leaders began to give up and ask Kaiser Wilhelm to end the fight. Other members of the Central Powers had already quit. An armistice created by the Allies was finally signed by Germany. At the signing of the armistice, the representative for Germany was quoted as saying “A nation of 70 million can suffer, but it cannot die.”

13 Treaty of Versailles- The Good
It created an official peace in the region. When the armistices were signed, there was still the threat of war hanging over the region. The Treaty of Versailles brought about a lasting peace that would allow everyone to begin rebuilding. 2. It required Disarmament Goal of treaty was to prevent future wars by almost complete disarmament of Germany Left with less than 100,000 soldiers 3. It provided Germany certain guarantees If agreements were complied with for 15 years, the stipulation of the treaties and occupation would remove itself to give Germany full control again

14 Treaty of Versailles- The Bad
1. It wasn’t enforced Reparations that Germany was supposed to pay were under a constant state of negotiation for over a decade. 2. It didn’t include anyone else. Other principle players of WWI were dealt with under other peace treaties. Only Germany was targeted It was too harsh to be effective Germany held responsible for the vast damages $132 billion then ($1/2 trillion now) Treaty more about punishing the Germans than really contributing to peace 2. It had psychological effects War guilt: blamed for entire war, stripped of culture and pride 3. It began the economic downfall of Germany couldn’t compete with France Began their Great Depression

15 Significance of WWI Poison Gas PTSD Planned Economy Propaganda to join war Nation States War technology Modern Surgery Pacifism Blood Banks Middle East Legacy Decline of Aristocracy Workers of the World Women’s Emancipation - First time that the entire world is at war with one another Today’s conflict in Syria- dates back to WWI Aftermath of WWI helps contribute to WWII (Treaty of Versailles)

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