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The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism

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1 The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism
Nothing important down here

2 On to Canada over land and Lakes
War with Britain largely unenthusiastic U.S. army not capable of fighting Britain Poor leadership 3 pronged attack into Canada British win several early victories Oliver Hazard Perry defeats the British on Erie British victory over Napoleon in 1814 (Elba) British invasion of New York turned back by Thomas Mcdonough on Lake Champlain

3 Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended
Second British force lands in Chesepeake Bay British enter Washington D.C. set fire British fleet at Baltimore (Francis Scott Key) Jackson placed in command at New Orleans 2,000 British die compared to around 70 U.S. Battle takes place 2 weeks after treaty signed People believe U.S. wins because of New Orleans Navy does better than army

4 The Treaty of Ghent Alexander I of Russia wanted peace for US/ Britain
John Q. Adams led the discussions at Ghent Britain wants buffer state, great lakes, part of Maine News of Britain defeats impacts talks Britain concerned with France Treaty of Ghent=armistice

5 Federalist Grievances and the Hartford Convention
New England not hurt badly during war of 1812 Some still talking of secession Meeting of NE leaders in Hartford, Conn. Results of Hartford: want compensation from Washington 2/3 vote for embargo, war, new states Demands arrive in Washington with news of N’orleans Last federalist candidate in 1816Presidential Elections

6 The second war for Independence
6,000 Americans killed during W of 1812 War of 1812 creates national unity Harrison and Jackson emerge as heroes More American Manufacturing Continued feelings toward British Arms race continues on Great Lakes 1817 Rush Bagot agreement

7 Nationalism Heightened nationalism during war Literature
textbooks written by Americans Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, Magazines: North American Review (1815) National Bank revived in 1816 Army, Navy Increases size during peacetime

8 The American System Factories created by war, embargoes
After war, British want American business back Dump excess goods on American market Tariff of 1816 to protect American goods Henry Clay’s American System banking system for easy credit, tariff to protect factories, roads and canals through west Raw materials from south and west to factories

9 transportation Congress votes for $1.5m to states for transportation
Madison vetoes (strict construction) States left to fend for themselves Erie Canal financed by New York New England wants to keep population

10 So-called era of good feeling
James Monroe nominated for 1816 Virginian, welcomed in New England Boston Newspaper announces “ era of good feeling” Sectionalism starting to increase, tariff, bank, sale of public land, slavery

11 Panic of 1819 and the curse of Hard times
Deflation, depression, bankruptcy, unemployment, debtor’s prisons Banks Investing in western lands National bank wants money from banks People sent to prison for small debt Impact on westerners States try to pass new laws against debtors’ prison

12 Growing pains of the west
Nine states admitted to union Alternating free/ slave states Continuing advancement westward Cheap land for European Immigrants Land overused in older states Indians defeated by Harrison, Jackson Cumberland Rd. (1811) Use of steamboats in west (1811)

13 Slavery and the sectional balance
1819 Missouri asks for admission to union Tallmadge amendment: no more slaves, children of slaves Tallmadge defeated in Senate Question of slavery because of Missouri Slavery now a neverending question

14 The Uneasy Missouri Compromise
1820 Henry Clay Maine admitted as free, Missouri as slave West and north of Mo. Would be free Mo. Compromise a quick fix After panic of 1819, Mo compromise, Monroe wins with near unanimous decision

15 John Marshall and Judicial Nationalism
McCulloch v. Maryland Maryland tries to tax national bank Power to create implies power to destroy Cohens vs. Virginia Cohens found guilty of selling lottery tickets

16 Gibbons v. Ogden Control of New York/ New Jersey Waterway Congress has power to regulate interstate trade

17 Judicial guards against Democratic Excesses
Fletcher v. Peck Georgia legislature grants land to private speculators for a bribe Next legislature tries to cancel Dartmouth College v. Woodward New Hampshire tries to change charter Supreme court sides with college

18 Sharing Oregon and Acquiring Florida
John Quincy Adams= Secretary of state Treaty sharing fisheries of Newfoundland Louisiana northern boundary at 49th parallel west to Rockies Joint occupation of Oregon American occupation of Western Florida Spain has revolutions in Caribbean People cross border into America Jackson sent into Florida (lots of hangings) U.S. gives up Texas, Spain gives up Florida

19 The Menace of Monarch in America
European leaders want to end Democracy Group of countries eyeing the Caribbean Russian intentions in the west

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