Do Now: What brings about change?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: What brings about change?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: What brings about change?
Enlightenment Do Now: What brings about change?

2 Natural Laws Scientific Revolution helped people realize that nature followed natural laws. Some thinkers thought that people followed natural laws and they used scientific reason to help solve problems in society. These thinkers were called enlightenment thinkers. 1. What do you do to solve problems in your life?

3 Government Enlightened thinkers asked questions about government:
What is the best form of government? Are there laws that all people are given at birth? Again thinkers used logic and reason to find answers 1. What is a problem with enlightened thinkers analyzing governments?

4 Age of reason The Enlightened thinkers had three goals:
They wanted to improve how people live. They wanted to think clearly and logically without letting there feelings guide them. They wanted to use scientific reasoning to examine every part of society- education, religion, economics, laws and government. 1. If you were the king of a country how would you address these enlightenment thinkers?

5 Thomas Hobbes (Leviathan)
In nature, people cruel, greedy, selfish (pessimistic view) If not controlled strictly, society would disintegrate into chaos and brutality. Solution: Absolute monarchy: power in the hands of divine-right ruler who could impose order and compel obedience. Social contract: people give up rights/freedoms to powerful government for the sake of order.

6 John Locke Government should keep order in society
Government is an agreement between the ruler and people People are born with natural rights 1. Right to life 2. Right to property 3. Right to liberty (freedom) If these rights are denied the people can rebel against ruler or government Published “Two Treaties of Government”

7 John Locke

8 Jean Jacque Rousseau People were born good
Civilization changed people from being good Everyone was equal in society People made a contract with each other and did the right thing for the “general will” Was in favor of rule my majority


10 Baron de Montesquieu Spirit held together every type of government
Separate power- So that no one branch becomes more powerful than the other. Three branches: Parliament make laws The king enforces the law The courts interpret the law


12 Voltaire Criticized the wealth and privileges of French kings and nobles. Voltaire defended a person’s right to think and say anything, free speech. Voltaire once said, “I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Voltaire also believed in freedom of religion. 1. Explain if the usage of freedom of speech is always appropriate

13 Denis Diderot ( ) All things must be examined, debated, investigated without exception and without regard for anyone’s feelings. We will speak against senseless laws until they are reformed; and, while we wait, we will abide by them.

14 Diderot’s Encyclopédie

15 Subscriptions to Diderot’s Encyclopedie

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