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The World Around Us.

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Presentation on theme: "The World Around Us."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World Around Us

2 A supercontinent that included almost all the land on Earth
Began to break apart about 200 million years ago, during the Early Jurassic Period Eventually formed the continents and the Atlantic and Indian oceans

3 The 7 Continents North America South America Africa Europe Asia
Australia Antarctica

4 The 5 Oceans Arctic Ocean Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean
Southern Arctic Ocean Indian Ocean

5 Biomes Biomes are very large ecological areas on the earth's surface, with fauna and flora adapting to their environment. often defined by climate, geology, soils and vegetation. A biome is NOT an ecosystem- it can look like a massive ecosystem.

6 Lines of Latitude vs Longitude
Latitude are a geographic coordinate that define how far North or South a location is from the equator Run east-west as circles parallel to the equator. Lines of Longitude are a geographic coordinate that define how far east or west a location is from the Prime Meridian Runs North South parallel to the Prime Meridian

7 Latitude is used together with longitude to specify the precise location of features on Earth

8 Prime Meridian The Prime Meridian is an imaginary line that, similar to the Equator, divides the earth into eastern and western hemispheres.

9 Equator An imaginary line around the middle of a planet halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole 0 degrees latitude divides the planet into a Northern Hemisphere and a Southern Hemisphere. The Earth is widest at its Equator.

10 Tropic of Capricorn the parallel of latitude that is approx 231⁄2 degrees south of the equator the southernmost latitude reached by the overhead sun

11 Tropic of Cancer   the parallel of latitude that is approx 231⁄2 degrees north of the equator the northernmost latitude reached by the overhead sun

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