Ventura’s 3rd Grade FSA Information

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1 Ventura’s 3rd Grade FSA Information
March 14, 2019

2 Florida Standards Assessment Tests and Dates
3rd grade testing window is Reading – April 1 - April 2 Math – May 6 - May 7 3rd grade make-up test dates are: READING - April 3 – April 12 MATH- May 11-14 3rd grade tested on ELA and Math only

3 Florida Standards Assessment Attendance/Tardy Policy
All tests will begin promptly at 8:15. It is very important to be ON TIME on test days. Students who arrive tardy will not be allowed to join their class, and will have to make up the test on make-up days.

4 Testing Sessions Students must take the parts of the test in order. This means that they must take session one before taking session two. They also must take the ELA test before they can take the math test. Students may only take one session each day, including the make-up days.

5 Florida Standards Assessment “Ready and Able?”
It is extremely important that your child attend school on FSA days since there is a limited number of make-up days available. However, be sure your child is healthy enough to take the test that day because if unable to complete a test that day, it cannot be retaken; it will be invalidated. If a child leaves early on a test day, and his/her test is not complete the test will be invalidated. The child may not finish the test later. “Perfect” attendance will be rewarded.

6 Electronic Devices

7 3rd Grade Retention/Exemption
The State of Florida mandates this as a Mandatory Retention Year. Official letter was sent home to all parents. Exemptions exist if a student does not pass. You will be notified if your child qualifies for an exemption.

8 Different Ways to Meet 3rd grade Expectations
Reading Portfolios SAT I-Ready Summer School/Adventure Camp

9 Exemptions and Accommodations
Accommodations are only given to students who qualify based on their individual status for ESOL or ESE. Flexible Seating, Scheduling and Timing ESOL – LY (less than two years) Native Language Dictionary Assistance in Native Language Math only 504 Plan Any questions regarding ESOL accommodations contact: Mrs. Rosario at ext Any questions regarding ESE accommodations contact: Mrs. Calvillo at ext

10 ELA Test Information Questions Format: Reading passages are:
multiple choice multi-select (select all that apply or choose 2) Part A and B short response editing tasks (Spelling and Grammar) Reading passages are: Informational Texts( Non-Fiction) Literary Texts (Fiction) Total test time 160 minutes (80 minutes on each of two days)

11 Cluster 1: Key Ideas and Details 15-25%
Asking and answering questions Central message/ lesson or moral Describe characters in a story Sequence of events Main Idea of Text and Key Details

12 Cluster 2: Craft and Structure 25-35%
Meaning of words or phrases (literal vs. non-literal) Poems (stanzas), dramas, stories Point of View (author and character’s point of view) Text Features and search tools

13 Cluster 3: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 25-35%
Text Illustration (mood, character, setting) Connection between sentences and paragraphs Using information from illustrations (maps, photo) Comparing and contrasting Story Elements Two Texts Themes

14 Language and Editing 15-25% (NEW)
Proper Grammar Capitalization Punctuation Spelling when writing Students will edit sentences or words within a passage to correct errors.

15 Informational vs Literary Texts

16 Math Test Information Multiple choice, multi-select, grid response and equation Types of questions (approximate): Operations, Algebraic Thinking, and Numbers in Base Ten = 48% Numbers and Operations – Fractions = 17% Measurement, Data and Geometry = 35%

17 Operations, Algebraic Thinking, and Numbers in Base Ten 48%
Representing and Solving involving multiplication and division Solving two-step problems using more than one operation Rounding Fluently adding and subtracting within 1,000

18 Numbers and Operations – Fractions 17%
Understanding fractions (numerator, denominator) Equally partitioned Fractions on a number line Equivalent Fractions

19 Measurement, Data and Geometry - 35%
Time (telling and writing time) Elapsed time Measuring and estimating volume and masses Liters, grams, kilograms Solving one-step word problems Represent and interpret Data Bar Graph, Line Plot, Picture Graph Area and Perimeter Combine rectangles

20 Ways the teachers are helping your child prepare for FSA
FSA Practice Test Please note that this practice is not intended to be a predictor of how students will score on the FSA. The intent of this assessment is to give students exposure to an FSA-like assessment and for teachers to have an additional instructional tool. FSA Reading Test Mock Test: March 7-8 We have been preparing ALL YEAR!

21 Ways for you to help your child prepare at home:
Discuss the test with your child, ask about feelings of stress or tension and try to calm those concerns. Ask simple questions (Where, when, how…) about books they are reading Make math a daily exercise (in the kitchen) Contact your child’s teacher with your concerns…We are here to help!

22 Tips to help your child be successful on FSA test days:
Get a good night’s sleep the night before; Eat a good/healthy breakfast each morning; Be ON TIME to school (If you arrive late, you will not be allowed to go to your classroom and will take the tests on make-up days.) Please provide your child with a snack on all test days. Have a positive attitude and RELAX!

23 Official web sites for Parents:
For more information about the FSA and sample test questions: ction=1-students-and-parents For information about or to contact the Florida Department of education:

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