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Presentation on theme: "Persuasion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasion

2 Principles of Persuasion
The principle of Liking People Like those who like them Uncover real similarities and offer genuine praise. The principle of reciprocity People repay in kind Give what you want to receive.

3 Principles of Persuasion
The principle of Social proof People follow the lead of similar others Use peer power wherever its available The principle of consistency People align with their clear commitments Make their commitments active, public and voluntary

4 Principles of Persuasion
The Principle of Authority People defer to experts Expose your expertise; don’t assume its self evident. The Principle of Scarcity People want more of what they can have less of. Highlighting unique benefits and exclusive information.

5 Elements of Persuasion
Credibility Trust + Expertise Your ideas You as a person An understanding of the audience A solid arguments Effective Communication

6 Trust Tell both sides of the story as you understand it.
Deliver on your promises. Keep confidences. Be consistent in your values. Encourage the exploration of ideas. Put others’ best interest first

7 Expertise Research your ideas Get firsthand experience
Cite trusted sources Prove it Master the language of your topic Don’t hide your credentials Team up with credible allies Gather endorsements

8 Understanding your audience
Identify decision makers Decision makers Key stakeholders Influencers Analyze audience receptivity Monitors reactions Assess body language Talk with knowledgeable people

9 Assess categories of receptivity
Hostile Neutral Uninterested Uninformed supportive

10 Hostile Use humour or a story to warm them up to you
Focus on areas of agreement Demonstrate your expertise and cite experts Support statements with solid evidence Identify benefits that they would value.

11 Neutral

12 Determine Decision making style
Thinker Skeptic Follower Controller

13 Politics Building a case

14 Winning minds and hearts
Start with the head Structure Evidence Benefits Words

15 Structure Problem solution Present both sides and a refutation
Cause and effect Motivational sequence

16 Heart Emotion evoking presentations like gripping stories
Emotion helps change faster Responding emotionally requires less efforts Emotion arousing arguments distract from speaker’s intentions to persuade

17 Vivid descriptions Metaphors Analogies Stories

18 Overcoming Resistance
Identify resister’s interests Understand resister's emotions Distrust fear Build trust Paraphrase Clarify the issue Be consistent in verbal and non verbal messages

19 Overcoming Resistance
Present resister’s viewpoint before presenting your own

20 Persuasion Triggers Contrast Liking Reciprocity Social proof
Commitment and consistency authority

21 Tactics of Influence Framing the issue your way
Influence through information Influence through technical authority

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