Preventing Type 2 Diabetes The time to act is now

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Presentation on theme: "Preventing Type 2 Diabetes The time to act is now"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preventing Type 2 Diabetes The time to act is now
Joan Wages, Extension Agent Virginia Cooperative Extension, Patrick County

2 How concerned are you about Type 2 Diabetes?
Not concerned Not sure if I am concerned Slightly concerned Moderately concerned Seriously concerned

3 Type 2 Diabetes Presentation Outline
What is the big deal? What is it? Who gets it? What are the signs and symptoms? Are you at risk? What can you do about it?

4 What’s the big deal? Serious disease, with serious complications
Common disease, with more adults getting it at an earlier age and more children getting it Costly for individuals, families, communities

5 What’s the big deal? Type 2 Diabetes is Serious
Lifelong disease, with no cure 6th leading cause of death 2 to 4 times more likely to die from heart disease Quality of life is often negatively impacted due to complications such as blindness, kidney disease, nervous system disease, amputations, gum disease, pregnancy complications

6 What’s the big deal? Type 2 Diabetes is Common
18 million Americans have diabetes (90 to 95% is type 2) 41 million have pre-diabetes, a condition that puts them at high risk for type 2 diabetes 1 in 3 children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes, if current trends continue Even more common in groups with low-income and certain minorities

7 What’s the big deal? Type 2 Diabetes is Costly
In 2002, $132 billion spent in U.S. Miss 8.3 days of work per year compared to 1.7 for people without diabetes 8 times more likely to be hospitalized for a major cardiovascular disease High rates of diabetes can deter companies from locating in a community

8 What is Type 2 Diabetes? A serious disease in which blood sugar (glucose) levels are above normal Is the most common form of diabetes

9 even if you never eat sugar.
Who gets Type 2 Diabetes? Anyone at any age at any weight can get it, even if you never eat sugar.

10 Who gets type 2 diabetes? You are more likely to get it if:
You are overweight or obese (BMI ≥25 in adults ) You exercise less than 3 times per week You have a parent, brother or sister with diabetes You are 45 or older

11 Who gets type 2 diabetes? You are more likely to get it if:
Your family background is African American, American Indian, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander or Hispanic/LatinoAmerican You have high blood pressure (140/90 or higher) Your cholesterol levels are not normal; your HDL< 35 or triglycerides > 250 You have had gestational diabetes or a baby weighing more than 9 pounds at birth

12 Signs and Symptoms Increased thirst Increased hunger Tiredness
Increased urination, especially at night Weight loss Blurred vision Sores that do not heal In children, discoloration on neck and skin folds

13 However…………. Many people have no signs or symptoms
Symptoms often go unnoticed 6 million in US have it and don’t know it

14 Ask your doctor about getting tested
Are you at risk? Take the risk test Ask your doctor about getting tested

15 Risk Test Results Score of 3-9: You are probably at low risk for having it now, but don’t just forget about it. Talk to your doctor about when you should get tested. Score of 10 or more: You are at high risk for having diabetes. See your health professional to be tested.

16 Type 2 Diabetes – Progressive
Increase Genes, Decrease Weight Ethnicity, Age Activity Insulin Resistance Pre-Diabetes Diabetes

17 How concerned are you now about diabetes?
Not concerned Not sure if I am concerned Slightly concerned Moderately concerned Seriously concerned

18 What can you do about it? For yourself For your family
For your community

19 What can you do for yourself?
Exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week If you are overweight, lose and maintain a loss of about 5-7% of current weight Consume whole grain foods and foods with more dietary fiber Reduce your intake of total fat, especially saturated Make a plan, take small steps

20 What can you do for your family?
Take care of yourself Set an example Express your concern about their health Find ways to be active with your family Involve your family in making healthier food choices Encourage family members to take the risk test or talk to their doctor about diabetes

21 What can you do for your community?
Start a walking group Invite friends to exercise with you Encourage friends to take the risk test Encourage local schools to offer healthy snacks and drinks, not junk food Spread the word that type 2 diabetes is increasing in children, but it can be prevented

22 For more information: to get your free GAME PLAN for preventing type 2 diabetes Visit Visit

23 Remember …. Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented. The time to act is now.

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