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Early Brain Development

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1 Early Brain Development

2 Synaptic Activity Rapid climb in first three years
Sustained growth until teen years Some decline in teens years Sustained growth over a lifetime

3 Neurons: The Building Blocks
We are born with 100 billion NEURONS We can MAKE trillions of synaptic connections (little connecting wire things) that can be made between each neuron as we learn new things.

4 Neurotransmitters Chemicals that affect the formation, maintenance and activity of synapses, neurons Excite or inhibit function Over 50 neurotransmitters identified Endorphins – reduces pain Serotonin – low levels are associated with aggression; high levels are associated with lack if initiative Cortisol – activates body/brain defenses when under stress Melatonin – promotes sleep Noradrenaline – along with adrenaline heightens awareness

5 Brain Development Cortex - reason and logic
Limbic - emotion and long-term memory Brainstem - survival info. path to spinal cord and the rest of the body; controls involuntary activities (breathing, heart rate, blood pressure), Cerebellum - balance and automatic movements

6 Regions of the Brain CEREBRAL CORTEX
Frontal lobe - Thought, walking, speech, problem solving Prefrontal lobe - Allows for planning and rehearsing future actions Parietal lobe - Taste, touch, hand-eye coordination. Temporal lobe - Memory, emotion, smell, hearing Occipital lobe - Vision, visual recognition CEREBELLUM - balance, coordination, cardiovascular activity, breathing BRAINSTEM - Heart rate, breathing, REM sleep, crying

7 Neuroscience and Research in Early Brain Development
Neuroscience deals with the study of nerves and it’s structures With technology, scientists and physicians have new methods to study the brain that are not intrusive MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) gives a detailed view of the brain Detailed images of specific regions of the brain

8 Imaging techniques Positron Emission Tomography-PET Scan

9 Implications Brain research has challenged traditional assumptions
Once thought that our genes determined how our brain developed Genes are relevant in predisposing us toward certain traits Environmental factors and an affect on brain development Roles of Nature and Nurture determine intelligence and emotional resilience

10 Environmental Factors
Care Nutrition Surroundings Stimulation What else?

11 Quality of Care Nurturing is key to learning and the regulation of emotional responses The way parents and caregivers plan children’s contact with the environment affects the formation of neural pathways Secure attachments during the 1rst year of life seem to predict social competency as child grows Therefore, quality of care and secure attachment build healthy brain development.

12 Nurturing Positive Brain Development Means…
Providing a warm and loving environment; Feeling of safety and security; Playing interactive games, so children may make connections to language and sound; Responding to cues and clues in children’s mood and rhythms; Looking for the teachable moments.

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