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IPOD Neural Impulse Demonstration. Brain and Behavior Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "IPOD Neural Impulse Demonstration. Brain and Behavior Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPOD Neural Impulse Demonstration

2 Brain and Behavior Introduction

3 Some methods of studying the brain Animal Research: 1.) Lesioning 2.) ESB (Electrical Stimulation of Brain) Human Research 1.) CT (or CAT) scan 2.) PET (Positron Emission Tomography) Scan 3.)fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

4 Methods of Studying animal brains 1.) Lesioning Involves the destruction of a piece of brain An electrode is inserted and high frequency current burns tissue 2.) Electrical Stimulation of brain (ESB) An electrical current is sent through brain to stimulate it Electrode used to activate brain area

5 Methods of studying human brain 1.) CT (CAT) Scan -Computer enhanced X-ray of brain structure -creates vivid image of the brain through multiple x-rays

6 Methods of studying Human Brain 2.) Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan Radioactive markers map chemical activity in brain Color coded map shows which brain areas are active during certain functions

7 Methods of Studying Human Brain 3.) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Different than regular MRI (MRI only maps structure) fMRI monitors oxygen and blood flow to brain areas during certain functions

8 Brain Regions 3 Major regions of the brain 1.) Hindbrain 2.) Midbrain 3.) Forebrain

9 Hindbrain Consists of: 1.) Cerebellum 2.) Medulla 3.) Pons

10 1.) Cerebellum- “little brain” Coordinates movement Responsible for balance 2.) Medulla In charge of unconscious, essential functions Breathing, Regulating our circulation 3.) Pons “Bridge” connecting brain stem with cerebellum Involved with sleep

11 Forebrain Consists of: 1.) Thalamus 2.) Hypothalamus 3.) Hippocampus 4.) Amygdala 5.) Cerebrum

12 1.) Thalamus Relay station for sensory information Plays role in integrating information from senses 2.) Hypothalamus Regulation of basic biological needs Hunger, sex drive, thirst What happens when certain parts of hypothalamus lesioned

13 3.) Hippocampus Role in memory 4.) Amygdala Role in learning of fear responses

14 5.) Cerebrum Largest brain part Controls mental activities Learning, thinking, remembering Divided into 2 halves called hemispheres Brain has right hemisphere and left hemisphere Corpus Callosum – connective tissue holding hemispheres (halves) together

15 Each Hemisphere Contains 4 Lobes

16 1.) Frontal Lobe- Motor Coordination; thought processes 2.) Occipital Lobe – Vision 3.) Parietal Lobe – Sensation (Touch) 4.) Temporal Lobe- Auditory (Hearing)

17 Right/ Left Hemisphere We essentially have two brains in one Left Hemisphere Verbal Processing Language Speech Reading Writing Right Hemisphere Spatial and visual recognition Expression “Right-Brained” or “Left Brained”

18 Hemispheres and body Each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body Right hemisphere coordinates left side of the body Left hemisphere coordinates right side of the body

19 Brain Plasticity

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