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Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy

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Presentation on theme: "Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy
Chapter 38 Breast Cancer Copyright © 2010 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.

2 Breast Anatomy Composition Glandular system Size and shape
Factors effecting the breasts Lymphatics

3 Composition Glandular tissue Adipose tissue Connective tissue

4 Glandular System Ducts Nipple Areola Underlying musculature

5 Size and Shape Normal breast extension
Factors influencing breast shape and size

6 Factors Effecting the Breasts
Hormones Estrogen Progesterone Prolactin Age Menstruation Menopause

7 Lymphatics Axillary Internal mammary Subclavian Supraclavicular (SCV)

8 Breast Cancer Epidemiology Etiology Prevention Clinical presentation
Detection and diagnosis Pattern of spread Disease classification Treatment Survival

9 Epidemiology Incidence Deaths Worldwide
178,500 new cases of invasive cancer 62,000 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) Deaths 40,000 deaths Worldwide Appears to be increasing

10 Etiology Causes Risk factors BRCA genes Gender Aging Genetics BRCA ATM
CHEK-2 p53 tumor suppressor Li-Fraumeni syndrome

11 Etiology Family history
Two or more relatives with breast or ovarian cancer Relatives with both breast and ovarian cancer One or more relatives with two cancers A male relative with breast cancer A family history of breast or ovarian cancer and Ashkenazi Jewish heritage Family history of diseases associated with hereditary breast cancer

12 Etiology Personal history of breast cancer Race

13 Etiology History of abnormal breast biopsy Nonproliferative lesions
Proliferative lesions without atypia Proliferative lesions with atypia

14 Etiology Radiation Menstrual history Diethylstilbestrol (DES)
Nulliparity Oral contraceptives (OC)

15 Etiology Hormone replacement therapy Breastfeeding Alcohol Obesity
Combination vs. estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) Breastfeeding Alcohol Obesity Physical activity

16 Etiology Unproven or controversial risk factors Antiperspirants
Underwire bras Abortion Breast implants Pollution Smoking Secondhand smoke Night work

17 Prevention Genetic Testing
Not of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage Two first-degree relatives with breast cancer Three or more first- or second-degree relatives diagnosed with breast cancer A first-degree relative diagnosed with cancer in both breasts Two or more first- or second-degree relatives diagnosed with breast cancer A male relative with breast cancer

18 Prevention Genetic Testing
Women of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage A first-degree relative with breast or ovarian cancer Two second-degree relatives on the same side of the family with breast or ovarian cancer

19 Prevention Chemoprevention Tamoxifen Raloxifene Aromatase inhibitors
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors

20 Prevention Prophylactic mastectomy Indications Oophorectomy
Mutated BRCA genes Previous breast cancer Strong family history Biopsy specimens showing lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) Oophorectomy

21 Clinical Presentation
Screening American Cancer Society (ACS) recommendations Mammography Clinical breast examination (CBE) Breast self-examination (BSE) Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

22 Clinical Presentation
Location Quadrant Upper outermost common Clock dial Right vs. left

23 Clinical Presentation
Symptoms Asymptomatic Lump or mass Swelling Skin dimpling Nipple retraction Discharge

24 Detection and Diagnosis
Types Adenocarcinoma Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) Comedocarcinoma Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) Most common Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC)

25 Detection and Diagnosis
Types Inflammatory Uncommon Always stage III or higher Mixed tumor Medullary

26 Detection and Diagnosis
Types Metaplastic Mucinous Paget’s disease of the nipple

27 Detection and Diagnosis
Types Phyllodes tumor Benign vs. malignant Tubular carcinoma Angiosarcoma

28 Detection and Diagnosis
Imaging Mammography Screening vs. diagnostic Potential findings Calcification Mass Cyst Concerns

29 Detection and Diagnosis
Imaging Ultrasound MRI Ductogram

30 Pattern of Spread DCIS LCIS IDC Intraluminal growth Lymphatic routes
Axillary nodes Level I Level II Level III

31 Pattern of Spread Metastatic disease Bone Lung Liver Other sites

32 Disease Classification
Tumor Node Metastasis (TNM) TX T0 Tis T1 T2 T3 T4

33 Disease Classification
TNM NX N0 N1 N2 N3

34 Disease Classification
Stage 0 Stage I Stage IIA Stage IIB

35 Disease Classification
Stage IIIA Stage IIIB Stage IIIC Stage IV

36 Disease Classification
Grade Histologic tumor grade Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Nuclear grade DCIS

37 Disease Classification
Other factors Estrogen and progesterone receptors HER2/neu Herceptin

38 Treatment Surgery Breast conservation Ductal excision Lumpectomy

39 Treatment Surgery Mastectomy Simple Modified radical Radical

40 Treatment Surgery Sentinel node biopsy
Completion lymph node dissection Axillary dissection

41 Treatment Surgery Reconstruction Prosthesis Immediate vs. delayed

42 Treatment Surgery Reconstruction Tissue flaps
Transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM) Latissimus dorsi Deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP)

43 Treatment Surgery Reconstruction Nipple and areola

44 Treatment Surgery Contraindications Breast conservation Mastectomy

45 Treatment Chemotherapy Neoadjuvant

46 Treatment Hormone therapy Tamoxifen Toremifene Fulvestrant Pill form
5 years following treatment Toremifene Fulvestrant

47 Treatment Hormone therapy Aromatase inhibitors Ovarian ablation
Megestrol acetate Androgens

48 Treatment Radiation therapy Whole breast vs. partial breast
Indications Breast conservation Sterilize remaining breast tissue

49 Treatment Radiation therapy Patient position Supine Arm(s) Head
Both up vs. one up Head Turned away

50 Treatment Radiation therapy Immobilization Breast board Wing board
Alpha cradle/Vac-Loc Prone breast board

51 Treatment Radiation therapy Immobilization Large-breasted women
Aquaplast Treatment brassiere Decubitus position

52 Treatment Radiation therapy Treatment fields Tangents Borders
Beam arrangement Blocking Energy Dose

53 Treatment Radiation therapy Treatment fields SCV Indications Borders
Beam arrangement Blocking Energy Dose

54 Treatment Radiation therapy Treatment fields PAB Indications Borders
Beam arrangement Blocking Energy Dose

55 Treatment Radiation therapy Treatment fields IMC Indications Borders
Beam arrangement Blocking Energy Dose

56 Treatment Radiation therapy Treatment fields Boost Borders
Beam arrangement Blocking Energy Dose

57 Treatment Radiation therapy External beam Side effects Skin changes
Fatigue Pulmonary effects Lymphedema

58 Treatment Radiation therapy Brachytherapy Interstitial

59 Treatment Radiation therapy Brachytherapy MammoSite

60 Survival Factors Overall survival Race Genetics Tumor size
Nodal status Overall survival 85% after 5 years 71% after 10 years 57% after 15 years 52% after 20 years

61 Survival 5-year survival Stage 0 – 100% Stage I – 100% Stage IIA – 92%
Stage IIB – 81% Stage IIIA – 67% Stage IIIB – 54% Stage IV – 20%

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