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What is cancer? A cancer is a malignant tumor, which are cells that multiply out of control, destroying healthy tissues (Dictionary)

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Presentation on theme: "What is cancer? A cancer is a malignant tumor, which are cells that multiply out of control, destroying healthy tissues (Dictionary)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is cancer? A cancer is a malignant tumor, which are cells that multiply out of control, destroying healthy tissues (Dictionary)

2 Arvin Cabanas Benjamin Kreitz
Breast Cancer Arvin Cabanas Benjamin Kreitz

3 Forecast Where/what organ system(s) in the body?
Rate of breast cancer worldwide Affected ages Symptoms Risk factors Types of breast cancer Diagnosis Effects of the cancer Stages of cancer Treatments Lifespan (prognosis)

4 Where/what organ system in the body?
Reproductive system Mainly the breast tissues Lactose lobes/ducts Cancerous Normal

5 Rate of breast cancer worldwide
Highest rate – United States “Hamburger Country” (International Agency for Research on Cancer)

6 Rate of breast cancer worldwide
Lowest Rate – China “Noodle Country” & Africa “Marathon Country”

7 Affected ages (Dr. Roger Henderson, GP)
Between: 50 yrs old and yrs old

8 Symptoms (American Cancer Society)
Lumps Swelling Skin changes

9 Risk Factors (American Cancer Society) Changes in DNA
Alcohol consumption Not having children or having them later in life Not breast-feeding Overweight or obese Lack of exercise Night Work (not proven yet) (American Cancer Society)

10 Diagnosis (Screening and Testing)
Blood test MRI X-ray CT scan PET scan Ultrasound Breast Biopsy Mammogram CT scan PET scan

11 Types of breast cancer Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) Inflammatory breast cancer Male breast cancer Recurrent breast cancer Metastatic breast cancer (American Cancer Society)

12 Stages of Cancer Stage 0 - non-invasive; no evidence of cancer cells
Stage I - started to invade the tissues in the breast Stage II - invasive breast cancer found in the axillary (arm pit) lymph nodes Stage III - inflammatory breast cancer Stage IV – metastatic cancer; cancer cells that have spread throughout the body organs

13 Treatments Surgery: Chemotherapy Radiation therapy
Lumpectomy (tomy = “to cut”) Mastectomy Axillary lymph node dissection Chemotherapy Radiation therapy

14 Lifespan (Prognosis) In 5-year survival, ___ out of 100 cancer patients will survive. Stage 0 = 99 Stage 1 = 92 Stage 2 = 65 Stage 3 = 44 Stage 4 = 14 (Dr. Lori L. Hudson, Immunologist and Molecular Biologist)

15 Thank You!

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