Relative Clauses Relative clauses Defining Relative Clauses

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1 Relative Clauses Relative clauses Defining Relative Clauses
Non-defining Relative Clauses

2 Relative Clauses = Adjective Clauses Relative Clauses begin with
These words are called Therefore they are called “who” “which” “whose” “whom” ….. relative pronouns relative clauses

3 The driver _____ did not see the old man knocked him down on the road.
Relative Clauses E.g. 1 = Adjective Clauses The driver _____ did not see the old man knocked him down on the road. who Relative Clause Relative Pronoun who = The driver

4 Relative Clauses = Adjective Clauses Relative Clause Relative Pronoun
E.g. 2 = Adjective Clauses The library _____ is equipped with modern computers is the largest in Hong Kong. which Relative Clause Relative Pronoun which = The library

5 Relative Clauses = Adjective Clauses Relative Clause Relative Pronoun
E.g. 3 = Adjective Clauses Mr. Hans bought a new computer _____ allows for easy access to the internet. which Relative Clause Relative Pronoun which = new computer

6 Relative Clauses = Adjective Clauses Relative Clause Relative Pronoun
E.g. 4 = Adjective Clauses Cammy ______ father has just passed away seems to be happier than before. whose Relative Clause Relative Pronoun whose = Cammy’s

7 Relative Clauses = Adjective Clauses Relative Clause Relative Pronoun
E.g. 5 = Adjective Clauses Many tourists visit the Victoria Peak _____ they can see the night view of Hong Kong. where Relative Clause Relative Pronoun where = at the Victoria Peak or there

8 Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses
Defining ClausesIdentifying clause) *It provides essential information about the noun or pronoun. *They define a noun or pronoun in the question. *This clause is not separated by commas from the main clause E.g The man who got the nobel prize came to the party yesterday. I received the file which was compiled by you.

9 Non-defining(Non-Identifying) Relative Clauses
*This clause provides additional information about a noun or a pronoun. *They don’t define but simply tell us more about the noun or pronoun. *They are separated by commas from the main clause. E.g. 1 , ………. ,

10 Non-defining Relative Clauses
E.g. 2 The earthquake in India was the most serious one in India’s History. ,which killed thousands of people, Non-defining Relative Clause Note: Which = the earthquake in India , ………. ,

11 Relative pronoun can be the subject of the adjective clause:
I met the actor who won the award. ( I met the actor. The actor won the award) I read the article which talks about stress ( I read the article. The article talks about stress) Relative pronoun can be the object of the relative clause : ( That athlete plays tennis. I met him in a party) That athlete who I met in a party plays tennis That athlete whom I met in a party plays tennis That athlete I met in a party plays tennis ( the relative pronoun is left out)

12 Reduction of Adjective clause to Adjective Phrase
. How do you reduce an adjective clause to an adjective phrase? If there is a to be (am, is, are, etc), delete the to be and the relative pronoun (who/which/that) The car which is parked there is the director’s car. The car parked there is the director’s car. If there is no to be (am, is, are, etc), delete the relative pronoun (who/which/that) and change the verb to Ving. The man who escaped from the prison was a bank robber. The man escaping from the prison was a bank robber.

13 Practice 1. The nurse who is looking after my mother is very kind to her. The nurse looking after my mother is very kind to her. 2. Luggage that is left unattended will be taken away by police. Luggage left unattended will be taken away by police. 3. Who’s that good-looking man who is talking to Alice? Who’s that good-looking man talking to Alice? 4. All the rubbish that is floating in the sea is a real danger to health. All the rubbish floating in the sea is a real danger to health. 5. Do you know the man who is standing near the door? Do you know the man standing near the door?

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