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Literary Terms: The Outsiders

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1 Literary Terms: The Outsiders
Exposition: The kind of writing that explains or gives information. In fiction and drama, exposition refers to the part of the plot that gives information about the characters and their problems or conflicts. Foreshadowing: The use of clues or hints to suggest events that will occur later in the plot. Dialogue: Conversation between two or more characters. Monologue: Where one character either speaks to oneself or voices their thoughts (internal monologue).

2 Literary Terms: The Outsiders
Theme: The general idea or insight about life that a work of literature reveals. A theme is an idea or message that a writer wishes to convey about that subject. Ex: Good will triumph over evil or Innocent people suffer in times of conflict.

3 Literary Terms: Character Types
Static Character: A character that does not change much in the course of a story. Dynamic Character: A character that changes as a result of the story’s events. Round Character: A character that is fully developed. We see them in multiple areas and we see different sides of them. Flat Character: A character that is not fully developed. We see one side of this character or we only see this character in one setting.

4 Literary Terms: And Then There Were None
Characterization: the way a writer reveals character Direct characterization: the writer simply tells us what the character is like Indirect characterization: the author shows us the character in action and lets us decide what the character is like. Describing the characters appearance Character in action Hearing the character speak Hearing the character’s thoughts or feelings Seeing how other characters react

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