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Presentation skills NASC Tara Prasad Kharel.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation skills NASC Tara Prasad Kharel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation skills NASC Tara Prasad Kharel


3 Situation

4 Power Good Poor

5 What is Presentation? It is not only the matter of skills,
But also a art of an effective communication.

6 Short Exercise - Individual
Draw 3 circles one triangle a Crescent moon

7 Communicate with Effective Meaning

8 Presentation is required: To
Inform about a subject Report on actions or progress in a task or project Motivate people to take some from of action Influence people to accept your proposal or ideas, or to make changes Instruct people in a new process or other action

9 Steps for Effective Presentation
Practice Prepare Plan

10 Planning Who are your audience ?
What do you want to deliver (contents)? Why do you want to present (purpose)? Where will you be presenting (place)? When will you be presenting (Situation)? How long (available time) ? How will you deliver (process and methods)?

11 Preparation Plan presentation activities / sequence.
List out the main points to be made. Collect relevant data / information Prepare a reference note to be consulted Chose / prepare presentation materials Consider physical appearance (dress / hair , etc) Cross – check the preparation

12 Rehearse the presentation Repeat Rule1
2 Rules to Practice Rehearse the presentation Repeat Rule1

13 Presentation Reach the venue in time
Highlight the main objectives and outline Observe feelings of the audience Test understanding of the audience Manage your feelings Show respect to audience Summaries the main points and conclude

14 Types of Audience Fast learner Slow learner Silent learner Talker
Fault finder Know it all Side talker Apple Polisher


16 Presenter’s Body Language
Posture Gestures Personal Appearance Eye contact Facial expression Body Movement


18 Then ? What skills do we need?

19 Skills Proper planning Pre-view and Review Main ideas and sub- points Climate setting Communication skills Feed – back skills

20 Skills … Handling question Eye contact Body Movement
Avoids speaking too fast/monotonous Effective closing

21 Rules for Effective Presentation
Prepare your Presentation in a Logical Sequence

22 Rule # 2 Be Concise & Be Direct

23 Rule # 3 Use Examples Rule # 4 Detailed Outlines are a Waste of Time Rule # 5 If possible, make your Presentation interactive

24 Be Simple not Technical
Rule # 6 Be Simple not Technical

25 Rule # 7 Be Seen and Heard

26 Rule # 8 Be Enthusiastic Rule # 9 Think; Fear is normal

27 Never ever run over time
Rule # 10 Never ever run over time

28 Presentation Development Process
Define or confirm the nature and propose of the presentation Review your performance Analysis the potential audience Make the presentation Decide on the principle materials and sequence of the presentation Prepare or assess the environment Decide on the presentation approach and style Make any necessary modification Rehearse the presentation Prepare handout/material Decide and produce the relevant aids

29 Exercise


31 2. Vocal – 38% 3. Visual – 55% Verbal – 7% 3 Vs impact
(Words, Contents, Materials, Language used) 2. Vocal – 38% (Voice, Confidence in voice, Pace,enthusiasm) 3. Visual – 55% (Facial expression, Gesture, Posture, Eye contact )

32 Thank you

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