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Intro screen.

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1 Intro screen

2 Host screen

3 $400 $600 $800 $200 $1000 Male Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System & hormones Sperm Ovarian & Uterine Cycles Misc. $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Jeopardy round

4 Components of Seminal Fluid
Final Jeopardy Components of Seminal Fluid Final Jeopardy betting screen

5 Final Jeopardy Functions of Semen Provide preferred pH
Contains prostaglandins Provides fructose for energy Fluid to move in lubrication Final Jeopardy Functions of Semen

6 Testes – produce sperm & testosterone
$200 Testes – produce sperm & testosterone Single Jeopardy – Category 1 Name & function

7 Name & function $400 Scrotum – regulates temperature of testes
Single Jeopardy – Category 1 Name & function

8 Epididymis – stores sperm as they mature
$600 Epididymis – stores sperm as they mature Single Jeopardy – Category 1 Name & function

9 Name & function $800 Prostrate gland – adds basic fluid to semen
Single Jeopardy – Category 1 Name & function

10 Seminal vesicles – add nutrients & fluid to semen
$1000 Seminal vesicles – add nutrients & fluid to semen Single Jeopardy – Category 1 Name & function

11 Ovary – produces eggs & female sex hormones, estrogen & progesterone
$200 Ovary – produces eggs & female sex hormones, estrogen & progesterone Single Jeopardy – Category 2 Part & Function

12 $400 Oviduct (fallopian tube) – conducts egg to uterus & site of fertilization Single Jeopardy – Category 2 Part and Function

13 $600 Clitoris – female sensory organ (provides sensitivity) Single Jeopardy – Category 2 Part & function

14 Lining of uterus & name of hormone that cause it to thicken
$800 Endometrium Estrogen Lining of uterus & name of hormone that cause it to thicken Single Jeopardy – Category 2

15 $1000 HCG – human chorionic gonadotropin Hormone produced after implantation that prevents the breakdown of the corpus luteum Single Jeopardy – Category 2

16 Midpiece – contains mitochondria to provide energy for movement
$200 Midpiece – contains mitochondria to provide energy for movement Single Jeopardy – Category 3 Part & function

17 Head – contains nucleus with 23 chromosomes
$400 Head – contains nucleus with 23 chromosomes Single Jeopardy – Category 3 Part & function

18 $600 Acrosome – contains enzymes to digest outer layer of the egg so sperm can penetrate Single Jeopardy – Category 3 Part & function

19 Structure sperm enters where accessory glands will add secretions
$800 Urethra Structure sperm enters where accessory glands will add secretions Single Jeopardy – Category 3

20 $1000 Sperm formed in seminiferous tubules of testes Mature & stored in epididymis Stored in vas deferens until it is conducted to urethra Before entering the structure that also serves a urinary function, what is the path of sperm Single Jeopardy – Category 3

21 In ovarian cycle, day 1-13 $200 Follicular Phase
Single Jeopardy – Category 4

22 When LH is at its highest
$400 Ovulation – Day 14 Single Jeopardy – Category 4 When LH is at its highest

23 In the ovarian cycle, what occurs during day 15-28
$600 Luteal Phase: LH causes corpus luteum Corpus luteum secretes progesterone & some estrogen Single Jeopardy – Category 4 In the ovarian cycle, what occurs during day 15-28

24 In uterine cycle, what occurs during Day 6-13
$800 Proliferative Phase: Increased estrogen (by ovarian follicle) causes endometrium to build, thicken, & vascularize Single Jeopardy – Category 4 In uterine cycle, what occurs during Day 6-13

25 When is the uterine secretory phase & what occurs
$1000 Day 15-28 Increased levels of progesterone (by corpus luteum) Endometrium doubles in thickness Glands produce mucus Single Jeopardy – Category 4 When is the uterine secretory phase & what occurs

26 Can enlarge in men causing painful urination
$200 Prostate gland Single Jeopardy – Category 5 Can enlarge in men causing painful urination

27 Supportive cells in Porifera
$400 spicules Supportive cells in Porifera Single Jeopardy – Category 5

28 Function of testosterone
$600 Development & functioning of male sex organs Development of sperm Development & maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics Single Jeopardy – Category 5 Function of testosterone

29 The function of the brain with regards to sex hormone regulation
$800 Hypothalamus releases GnRH GnRH causes anterior pituitary to release FSH & LH The function of the brain with regards to sex hormone regulation Single Jeopardy – Category 5

30 Explain how birth occurs
$1000 Baby’s head pushes against cervix Nerve impulse sends message to brain Hypothalamus stimulates posterior pituitary to secrete oxytocin Oxytocin cause uterus to contract & baby pushes against cervix Cycle repeats until baby is birthed & there is no more pressure on the cervix Single Jeopardy – Category 5 Explain how birth occurs

31 The Jeopardy Champion! Goodbye screen

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