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The Early Cold War 1945-1952.

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Presentation on theme: "The Early Cold War 1945-1952."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Early Cold War


3 Containment Policy – George Kennan

4 Truman Doctrine Pledged the U.S. to fight the spread of communism worldwide

5 Marshall Plan Billions of $$$ to rebuild war torn Europe and supply them with food and machinery

6 A Divided Germany; A Divided Berlin

7 Berlin Blockade Soviets cut off access to West Berlin…

8 Berlin Airlift

9 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1949
To protect Western Europe from a Soviet attack

10 Warsaw Pact 1955 Soviet led mutual defense agreement to counter Nato


12 “Iron Curtain” Winston Churchill


14 Mao Zedong China

15 Second Red Scare

16 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

17 Alger Hiss

18 McCarthyism Sen. Joe McCarthy (R) – WI
House Un-American Activities Committee Accused State Dept., Hollywood, Army….

19 “The Forgotten War?”



22 War turns into a stalemate.. Trench warfare
Truman and MacArthur argue… Truman fires MacArthur … “Old soldiers never die – they just fade away”

23 July 1953 an armistice is signed establishing a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) at the 38th parallel.
3 yrs of fighting – 3 million killed (including 37,000+ Americans)– ???

24 DMZ-

25 Brinkmanship

26 Arms Race

27 MAD – Mutually Assured Destruction





32 “Car Culture”

33 Suburbia – “White Flight”


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