Changes of technology from

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1 Changes of technology from 1995-2014
Done By: Chelsea Bryan  Thursday ,September 4,2014 Com-Tech

2 When was technology invented?
Modern technology like cellphones, laptops and mp3 players were only dated back in the 1990’s. As for desktop computers were dated back in the 1950’s – 1960’s.

3 Technology in In 1993 one company was advertising baud moderns for as low as $500. Dell was selling a top of the line 486 with a 66MHz processor, eight megabytes of RAM and a 320- megabyte hard drive for $4.400. The Difference is in the Hard- drive prices. You could get 80 megabytes for three hundred dollars. A one-gigabyte drive from IBM cost more then $ You could buy single-speed CD-ROMs was selling for $600. The cost for a high end computer hasn’t changed much, all the extra hard-drive capacity has been soaked up by bloated but better software.

4 Technology in memory - manufacturers adopted eight megabytes as standard, compared with four megabytes last year. The performance between an eight megabytes machine and an four megabyte machine was very dramatic. Hard Drive - One gigabyte drives are very common this year, compared to the megabyte drives from the the price difference between the two is only $200 and it is so worth it, you can go and waste more then it time when you grow out of the 400 megabyte hard drive.

5 Technology in 1993-1995 monitors
We are into 15 inch monitors as standard, compared to the 14 inch one we have used in the past. The little extra inch added does very little. And if you need more monitor go for the 17 inch screen and pay $400 As now we like listening to music that would be on our memory cards, but when technology first came out there was know cards to put it on.

6 Technology in In 1995 the Apple company allowed other companies to clone its computer by announcing its licensed the Macintosh operating system rights to Radius on January 4,1995. IBM also introduces the butterfly keyboard inn 1995, the same time the dot-com boom started, the first wiki was created in 1995 also. The site domain was registered on January 18,1995, it was also incorporated March 1,1995. Microsoft released Internet Explorer 1.0 and Visual Basic on August 16,1995

7 Technology in Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 was released on May 30, 1995, and on November 22, 1995 Microsoft also released Internet Explorer 2.0. Microsoft released DirectX 1.0 on September 30, 1995. USB standard was released in 1995 as well. EBay was founded by Pierre Omidyar on September 3, 1995. Hotmail was also started by Jack Smith and Sabeer Bhatia in 1995.

8 Technology in In 1996 Microsoft released DirectX 2.0a on June 5,1996. Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 was also released in July 29,1996. Microsoft Windows CE 1.0 was released as a portable operating system solution in 1996. Microsoft also introduces the IntelliMouse, also known as the wheel mouse. Microsoft released Windows CE in 1996. DirectX 3.0 was released by Microsoft on June 5,1996 also Internet Explorer 3.0 was released on August 13,1996.

9 Technology in In December 1997 Microsoft acquired Hotmail a free service. Windows CE 2.x was released in 1997 by Microsoft. Windows 98 was also restablished in 1997, along with Apple releasing MAC OS 8. Microsoft office 97 was released in also Internet Explorer 4.0 was released in September of 1997. Netflix was established, and Yahoo introduced yahoo mail.

10 Technology in In 1998 Sony introduced the Sony memory stick, it also released the High capacity floppy disk. Microsoft windows 98 was officially released on June 25,1998. The very first Intervideo was founded in In 1999 The common Unix printing system was released in June of Microsoft released Internet Explorer 5.0 on March18,1999. In 2000 many things happened, Microsoft released DirectX 8 on November , The Adobe photo shop 6.0 was released in September. The Microsoft Windows 2000 was released February 7, 2000.

11 Technology in there are many ways technology has changed, but in many different it has stayed the same. Ten ways technology has changed. Entertainment: In 2001 CD players were the ultimate luxury for a car, now the car comes with CD players or IPod or Mp3 players, even satellite radio, which in 2001 it was even an option.

12 Technology in A lot has changes in 11 years, in 2001 the brand names of computers were Dell, Toshiba etc. Now the most popular brand name is Apple. The computer types have also changed in 2001 we used to use desktop computers and now in the present we are using laptops and Ipad’s etc.

13 Technology in Cellphones has changed a lot as well in 2001 the most popular brand name phones were Nokia, Shemens, Samsung etc. Now has the years have past we now use IPhones, Slide phones like Samsung, BlackBerrys etc. Listening to music isn't that same anymore from 2001 – 2014 we have used many different music players like mp3 player, CD Walkman, Nano shuffle, Pano, stereo etc.

14 Technology in Music isn't the only thing has changed the way we communicate has also changed from fax to to Facebook, we have used many different things to communicate with one another. Same as for watching movies or videos, in 2001 we used to watch videos by VCR’s or DVD players, Now we use Netflix, YouTube, Putlocker etc.

15 Technology in Video games has changed a lot as well in 2001 we would play sonic games on Nintendo, Gameboys, Game cubes etc., now in the present all we use is our laptops, PS3, iPhones, iPads etc.

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