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Jainism Major Beliefs.

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Presentation on theme: "Jainism Major Beliefs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jainism Major Beliefs

2 Origins of Jainism: p. 70 When? Where? Who? What? Why?

3 Central Belief: Ahimsa
Mahavira’s life and teachings were dedicated to the art of ahimsa, or non-violence. More about Mahavira on p. 71


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6 Ahimsa: The path to liberation.
More than committing to avoiding physical violence, rather is a commitment to all life forms on Earth and to the protection of our planet May seem extreme to North Americans, but should help us understand the seriousness with which Jains approach this concept.

7 Ahimsa and the Life of a Monk
Sweep off their seats as not to kill insects Wear masks so they don’t accidently breath in insects Catamuras: a four month period of solemnity where monks do not travel in order to avoid any accidental deaths of insects or animals All Jains are vegetarian and many are vegan.

8 Jainism and Vegetarianism
Text p. 78

9 Karma and Reincarnation: What goes around comes around.
Karma: the belief that, for every action there is a consequence. It impacts one’s life on earth as well as what happens next. Reincarnation: The concept that one has an eternal soul that is reborn into different bodies over the course of many lives. Moksha: One must pay their karmic debt in order to achieve salvation. This salvation is reached through meditation and the elimination of bad karma through the 5 practices.

10 The Five Practices STOP. THINK! To really consider the dedication necessary to be a true Jain, imagine the ways you would have to change your life in order to live in accordance with the 5 practices. While it might be easy to not steal or resist violence, how easily could you give up meat and potatoes? Could you refrain from telling even a white lie? Could you give up your possessions, like your cellphone? Could you swear a lifetime of celibacy? Jains are encouraged to make a vow of commitment to the following principles: Non-violence (ahimsa) Truthfulness Non-stealing Celibacy Non-possession

11 Atomism Jiva: Another word for “soul”; Jains believe every living thing has one. Every atom has an individual soul and atoms make objects which also have souls (clear link between the physical and spiritual world) Jains believe people are more likely to be compassionate if they believe everything has a soul (ex.) plucking flowers


13 No Absolutes It’s all about perspective All perspectives are valid
Nothing is absolutely correct or incorrect Jains avoid bold declarations that could be false “illusions”

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