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Marketing for & Finding Deals

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing for & Finding Deals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing for & Finding Deals
Christopher Seder & Daniel Wiafe

2 What are you going to learn?
Why Marketing is the Lifeblood of your business Who you should target and why (the top 5 lists to send to) How to Create your First Mailing campaign Post Cards Vs. Yellow Letters Who wins? How to Create your Own direct mail marketing plan (consistency = success) How to Get your marketing PAID for 5 Offers a Day Keeps the Bill Collectors away.

3 Fundamentals of Marketing
Real Estate Investors are Direct Marketers Send Message Directly to the Customers Always Have a Call to Action DO NOT do what big advertiser do Nike, Coke, GE, etc (they are brand building, you will lose a lot of money doing this) #1 Rule Dont Be Boring and Set yourself apart

4 Marketing is the Life Blood
Consistent Leads =Consistent Deals = $$$ Sending out 2,000 letters/postcards to Targeted areas consistently should result in $5,000 to $10,000 in Monthly Gross Income if NOT you need to re-evaluate who and where you are mailing.

5 Why Direct Mail is one of the BEST strategies!
Send Your message directly to your customer It has proven to work Most Motivated Sellers respond best to mail you can track it easily (need to know whats working) Create a Google Voice, FreedomVoice or Patlive Account

6 2 Books you Must Get

7 Who Do you Market to? Pull a Mailing list from ListSource, People Most Likely to be MOTIVATED Motivating Financial Reasons (Bills, Foreclosure, Divorce, medical, etc) Property Reasons (needs work) We are Helping these People

8 Pick the Area you want to target
Where to Start? Pick the Area you want to target 2 to 5 TOP zip Codes Start Small and Branch Out Pick your Lead Source We will cover the sources I use

9 Absentee Owners People who own property but do not live in them
Why might they be motivated? High Equity Free and Clear FMSN

10 Vacant Houses A vacant house is not doing the person any good, its costing them $$$ Every day its getting worse and worse. Compile a List (D4D, FMSN, Property scout) For Virtual FLIPS

11 Tripple Whammy Absentee Out of State Vacant Houses

12 PROBATE Inherited Property Pull Records Send Letter to Heirs
Court house or online Send Letter to Heirs Pull Records each month

13 TAX LIENS People that are Late on Taxes Get a list from County
Best time to mail (april, NOV) Check your States Laws 3 years, start foreclosure in July Foreclosures in OCT

14 PRE-FORECLOSURES Get List from Courty House, Title Company, RealeFlow,, etc Find Properties with Equity Outsource others Mail 3 times

15 Evictions Another one of my Favorites Hard with Virtual FLIPS
Hire someone to go pull them once a MONTH at the local court house or see if the local court house has ONLINE access

16 Step 2: Set up a Voice Mail System
PatLive RingCentral Freedomvoice

17 Step 3: Decide What to Sent?
Yellow Letter Post Card Sales Letter Professional Letter Do it yourself or outsource?

18 Send them a Letter, Yellow Letter or Post Card
Here is the best letter I have ever Send Hand Written on Yellow Legal Pad Why does this letter work? Dear, Seller Hi My Name is Christopher Seder And I would like to purchase your Vacant House at 1234 seller lane Please Call (555) Thanks, Christopher



21 Post Card Mailings Click2Mail 48 cents per post card 1,000 Sent = $480
Response 3 to 5% (recently campaign received 12%)

22 Customize to your own business
Why does this post card work? Creates Urgency Benefits to Sellers No Hassles Paying CASH Why Yellow?

23 Boring Post Card : (




27 Copy others Success Always test and tweak your mailings
Try new colors, new header, etc Learn from Successful Investors in your area. Always be evolving Try postcards, switch it up to yellow letters, when that slows switch to something else.

28 Mailing to Higher End Areas?
Test a Post card Test a Business Letter These are More Educated Sellers Response Rates will be lower Will have to Send more Min 3,000 post cards

29 Quick Copy Writing Tips
Attention Grabbing Headline Optional Attention Grabbing Picture What is the Problem Agitate the Problem Provide a Solution Make them Feel Something Call to Action Limited number Available

30 Direct Mail Marketing Plan
Create Your Own Direct Mail Marketing plan Step 1 (market Research) Step 2 Pull your Mailing List Start with Absentee owners (1,000 to 2,000 list) Cost $480 to mail $1,000 in click2mail Step 3 Send using Click2mail

31 Continued... Step 5 Answer your Phone
Should be between a 1 to 5% response 20 to 100 calls on 2,000 mailing Step 6 Pre-Screen and Evaluate (next chapter) From 2,000 you should get 1 to 2 deals 1 to 2 deals could mean $30,000 to $80,000 in profit

32 If Rehabbing Assign your Contract to your REHAB Company
Example: Put the property under contract in your name or another company Assign it to yourself for $2,000 to $5,000 Take 50% of that and put it into a new campaign

33 Continued... From the $5,000 take 50% or $2,500 and put that into your next campaign Now you have 5,000 Postcards you can send out and hopefully get between 4 and 5 deals. Keep repeating until you have reached your marketing peak.

34 Need $500 for Marketing? Get Creative Sell your Unwanted JUNK
CUT out any unnecessary expenses in your life. (Cable, Netflix, coffee (start making it), etc) Do some odd jobs for others Take some over time

35 How to Get your Direct Mail Paid For! (more to come on this)
Partner with a Realtor Send a Mailing Campaign Split the cost or have them pay They Go a Look at the Property and put it under contract for you They Get houses at your price you can wholesale (pay them a commission after closing) They turn the others into listings for themselves. WIN-WIN

36 Save Your Returned Mail
Vacant Non Deliverable (junk) Deceased Look them up on the tax assessors and Give them a call

37 COLD Calling Leads/ Returned Mail (optional)
Compile Your List (vacants, etc) Get Phone Numbers,, Google Call them Up What to Say Do this 20 times per week.

38 Automate your Cold Calling
Hire a Virtual Assistant Pay Someone to Make calls Do it for the first few Months or week so you have the process down. Document Everything

39 Where to Start? Make sure you did your market research Sort the list
Send out your mailing campaign Wait for leads to come in

40 Action Steps Step 1: Pull your Mailing List (min 1,000)
Step 2: Sort your List (in listsource video) Step 3: Create Your Click2mail post card Video in Members area Step 4: Pay for campaign Step 5: Repeat the Process

41 What to Do when the Calls Come in?
Evaluating Deals 101 Step 1: Pre-Screen the Lead Simple lead sheet Step 2: Run Your Numbers : Find 3 Comparable Sales Step 3: Put the property though your offer formula 70% or 65% (X) the ARV - Repairs Example $200,000 ARV x 70% = $140,000 - $30,000 repairs = $110,000 Max Offer Then call back the seller and make your offer.

42 QUestions?

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