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Presentation on theme: "Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome

2 Two Periods The Republic The Empire

3 The Republic Patrician/Plebian Struggle, Expansion in Italy
Civil War, Rise of Army Leaders, Julius Caesar

4 Location 16 Miles inland from mouth of Tiber River
Group of low hills (7 by tradition) Archaeology shows traces of a settlement from the 9th- 7th century BCE on the Palantine hill and a cemetery for the community in the valley below. This valley will become the Roman Forum.

5 Geography Italian Peninsula is in the middle of the Mediterranean
Rome is in middle of Italian Peninsula, half way between the Alps and southern tip of Italy Central position to send out armies and ships in all directions Rome built at 1st crossing point of Tiber River. Controls trade routes between northern and southern Italy

6 Founding Myth Romulus and Remus
Twins of Mars (War God) & Rhea Silvia (Latin Princess) Latin king has twins put in basket on Tiber R. Twins nursed by she-wolf and later adopted by a shepherd Twins claim hilltops and found a city They soon quarrel and Romulus kills Remus Romulus’ hill, the Palintine becomes center of new city, named after him Romulus lifted to heaven during a thunderstorm When he returns he states: Rome will be capital of the world, let Romans be soldiers, no power on Earth can stand against Roman arms

7 Three Peoples That Make Rome
Greeks Etruscans Latins

8 Greeks Colonies in southern Italy and Sicily and Corsica founded during great colonizing movement of 8th – 6th centuries BCE. Introduction of Polis into Italy Southern Italy known as Magna Graecia “Greater Greece” Romans gave Latin names to many Greek gods

9 Etruscans Etruscan league of 12 cities (12 is sacred number)
1st monarchy, then oligarchy in most cities Wealth based on metal working (iron and bronze) and trade with Greeks, Egypt, Levant and Carthage Developed writing system from Greek alphabet Developed architecture which influenced Roman building Several early kings of Rome were Etruscan Divination influenced Romans. Auspices- watching flights of birds or examining animal organs

10 Latins Indo-Europeans Pastoralists Arrived in Italy c. 1000BCE
Founded a number of cities in Latium, Rome would eventually become the dominant one (geography) Similar culture and language Similar religion centered on worship of Jupiter

11 Samnites Lived in mountains near Latium Influenced by Greeks
Fought a series of wars with Rome Forced Romans to adopt hoplite warfare to mountainous terrain

12 Early Republic Overthrow of monarchy
Last prince of Rome attacked a woman and Roman people overthrew his father Declared Rome would never again be ruled by a king Anyone trying to be king could be put to death without trial 509BCE – Rome becomes a republic

13 Republic Res publica- affairs of the people Not a democracy
Struggle for power between social groups (Patricians and Plebs)

14 Roman Society Values- “ways of the fathers”
Discipline, strength, loyalty Pater familias- oldest male, “father of the family” Patricians- “upper class” Plebians- “lower class”

15 Struggle of the Orders Begins early 5th century BCE
Lasts over 200 years until Plebs gain objectives Between plebs and patricians

16 Plebs: Four Main Groups
Urban artisans Free peasants Wealthy traders Poor immigrants

17 Secessio Plebs needed political weapon
Secession- leaving Rome as a group Similar to a labor strike 1st secessio in 494 BCE- is successful for plebs Plebs get own magistrates (formerly only patricians) called Tribunes Magistrates had executive powers of a king: command of army, administration of the law, religious functions Plebs also got “Consilium Plebus”- Assembly of the People Plebs are now organized as a state within a state

18 Tribunes Could veto any act of any magistrate , or laws or resolutions of the Senate which were contrary to the interests of the Plebs or any individual Plebian. Right to do business with the Assembly Sacrosant- sacred, couldn’t be killed with out religious pollution Not as powerful as magistrates Couldn’t possess power of command (imperium) One Tribune could veto the acts of another Tribune

19 The Twelve Tables The next great victory of the Plebs
Written code of law Mid 5th century BCE Compiled through a comparative legal study. Visited Athens and Greek Polies of Magna Graecia

20 Roman vs. Greek Moves Towards Democratic Government
Greek- violent, tyrants Greek- outside the law Greeks- individuals (tyrants, Solon)supported by the masses Rome- peaceful, secessio Rome- through the law Rome- as a group (plebs)

21 Roman View of Balanced Government

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