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Welcome to Year 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2

2 A few reminders… Book bags Sip bottles with water only
Everything labelled with their name PE days Monday/Thursday Wet play items

3 Classes for 2018-2019 Orange – Mrs Iyalla and Mrs Williams
Blue – Mrs Newton and Mrs Turner Mrs Saunders and Mrs Watkins – extra help in the Autumn term

4 Phonics Phonics teaching will continue.
Once assessed the children will be grouped and taught by someone from the Key Stage 1 team. Some children will move on to grammar and spelling Some children will continue with phonics to prepare them for the phonics screening in June.

5 SATs To take place in May across 3 weeks: Maths reasoning
Maths arithmetic Reading comprehension x2 Spelling, punctuation and grammar Writing is teacher assessed only. We will be preparing the children throughout the year - but please don’t put pressure on them!

6 Your role… Homework - a time to share your child’s learning.
Reading – at least 3 times a week. Its okay to read a book more than once! Reading ‘Vipers’ to be sent home later in the term. Spelling - common exception words, phonics practise: TT Rock Stars – times table practise

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