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Welcome to Class 2. What’s important to us  Every child is happy  Every child reaches their full potential  Children learn to be part of school life.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Class 2. What’s important to us  Every child is happy  Every child reaches their full potential  Children learn to be part of school life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Class 2

2 What’s important to us  Every child is happy  Every child reaches their full potential  Children learn to be part of school life e.g. interacting with others, gaining confidence, thinking about others, working in a partnership

3  We learn through a fun and supportive environment  Emphasis on learning through talk.  Every child is celebrated and nurtured and prepared to enter KS2 by the end of year 2.

4 Daily routines  8:45-9:00 Morning jobs  9:10-9:30 Worship  9:30-9:35 Run for fun  9:35-10:30 RWI or literacy  10:30-10:45 Playtime

5  10:45-11:45 Maths  12:00-1:00 Lunch  1:00-2:30 Topic activities/PE etc  2:30-2:45 playtime  2:45-3:30 Topic/story

6 Literacy year 2  Three days continuing with RWI until half term  SPAG focus one day  Friday-whole class back together

7 Literacy year 1  Monday-Thursday RWI  Friday- whole class back together

8 SPAG: spelling, punctuation and grammar  Large emphasis on SPAG.  Children need to apply it to their work.  Children need to use correct vocabulary.

9 Maths  Singapore maths- maths no problem  Monday-Thursday  Children in year groups

10 Information to parents  At the beginning of each half term we send home an information to parents/carers sheet. This gives you information about the topic

11  We follow a two year plan which covers all of the national curriculum for year 1 and 2

12 End of year expectations  Year 1 and year 2: we use formative assessments daily to give support when needed and to inform our planning.  At the end of each term we make summative assessments based on the year group expectation

13 Year 1  Phonics screen check

14 Year 2  End of key stage assessments  Based on teacher assessment and tests  The tests will be based on the same format as this year (interim assessment)

15  Teacher assessment  List of criteria for reading, writing and maths which they must achieve to attain at expectation  All criteria have to be achieved  Also have working towards and working at greater depth

16 Homework  SMIRFs (space mission instant recall facts)  Maths is all about understanding at a greater depth  Use different language  Timing,

17  Orally and written  We don’t test them regularly due to time and we want them to realise it’s not about how fast you can learn them it’s about really understanding them.  You can work on any of the statements and can also work on skills such as times tables.

18 Reading  Need to read a little bit most nights (5x a week)  RWI books and also books from the shelf.  Need to read aloud to an adult.  Please write in the reading records.

19 Spelling  RWI spelling  Year 1: list of spellings each week  Year 2: children have a log book with a list of spellings to learn each week. Learn these any way they want, practise in old spelling books. Parents sign log book when they are certain their child can spell the words confidently.  Red words are at the back of the Log book  The spellings are challenging. They have to apply phonics and spell red words correctly  Hand in spelling on a Tuesday and new spellings are given on Wednesday (year 1)

20 SPaG   Homework is set every two to three weeks. Please complete it together so that you can talk about the vocabulary. A text message is sent when new homework is set  If you don’t have access to the internet then please let me know.

21  Every child has a subscription  It does help them to apply facts and to reinforce learning  It should match the needs of each individual.

22 Other information  PE – on Wednesday  Any issues or questions please do speak to us  Mrs Fisher teaches them Tuesday PM, usually art and music

23 Growth mindset  In our class putting more emphasis on getting the children to understand growth mindset  It’s all about realising that they can achieve if they put in the effort. Every child is capable. Sometimes it might be tricky but they can all get there.

24  If they get things wrong-that’s fine. It’s how we all learn.  We talk about it and celebrate our learning process.  Rewards- sometimes stickers, sometimes show others, sometimes gold coins but also emphasis on praising the effort.

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