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Start today Go to Click on Log in Click here.

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Presentation on theme: "Start today Go to Click on Log in Click here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start today Go to Click on Log in Click here

2 Log in You must have your HAP id number found on your HAP insurance card to log in New users can also log in from this page

3 landing page Click on the Reward Your Health link Click here

4 Rewards Page Lists the 5 requirements/steps of the program
Helps you to track progress during the year Check marks turn green as requirements are met Steps can be completed out of order Click here to get started

5 Step 1 – Know Your Numbers
Know Your Numbers = health screen values that are uploaded to your account Height, weight, blood pressure, lipids, glucose/A1c Click “more” to see if you have values uploaded

6 Know Your Numbers example
Values in range fall on the green line and have a green check mark next to them

7 Know Your Numbers example
Values that are NOT in range fall on the red line and do not have a green check mark Out of range values do NOT need to be in range by July 31, 2019 – coaching satisfies the requirement

8 More about Know Your Numbers
Ways to complete Know Your Numbers Attend an on-site health screen in January or February, sign up on the IYL website Visit your primary care provider Providers with the HFHS instance of Epic will have information automatically uploaded to iStrive Providers without Epic or out of the area can use the Physician Results Form Found on the Know Your Numbers page in iStrive Process can take up to 4 weeks after submission

9 Step 4 – Wellness activity
Select your activity based on whether your health screen values are in range

10 More about wellness activities
Only 1 coaching session is required before the July 31, 2019 deadline IYL will communicate with participants by if they are required to participate in care management Care Management compliance is based on an individual care plan Once coaching/Care Management are completed, receive 2 green checkmarks Know Your Numbers and Wellness Activity

11 Step 5 – Preventive screenings
All participants should talk with their provider regarding preventive screenings and complete any recommended health screenings this year To complete Step 5, click “I Did This” You do not have to wait until you receive these services to complete Step 5

12 Program completion Fireworks and a gold star!
You will also get an confirming completion

13 Questions? Call It’s Your Life at 205-7495
Questions about the program structure and components Need help walking through the log-in process Sign up for health screens at Call HAP customer service at Questions about the site Technical issues Password and/or username recovery

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